Example sentences of "[adj] to bring the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Britain has not produced a champion since James Hunt in 1976 but Nigel Mansell is favourite to bring the driver 's title back to Britain .
2 2–5–1846 " considering the great evils from tippling houses , and also the number of these licensed , judged it proper to bring the matter before the Justices of the Peace by Petition that they might use their power in surpressing as many as possible and refuse to increase the number . "
3 The accession of the new Tsar , Alexander II , in January 1855 , was followed by an outburst of diplomatic activity in Paris and London , since it was known that the new sovereign was inclined to peace and the allies were more than willing to bring the conflict to an end .
4 She did n't seem annoyed with Shelley at all , but she too spoke only about work and about coming attractions at the complex , almost as though she was embarrassed to bring the subject up .
5 It 's taken a year for Central to bring the show to our screens from the first talks with Tom in the USA .
6 Salary structures and the unpredictability of recruitment patterns are also likely to bring the technician more to the notice of discerning employers .
7 This is likely to bring the arrangements for Scottish legislation under strain and increase the pressure for political devolution .
8 Buying Nicaraguan coffee , ecological soap powder and non-animal-tested make-up from the local Health Food store does n't seem likely to bring the world to heel or alter the balance of world economic power .
9 In that way the landlord need serve only one notice ( the section 25 notice ) , which will be effective to bring the tenancy to an end , even if the landlord is not going to oppose any application for a new tenancy ( Scholl Mfg Co Ltd v Clifton ( Slim-Line ) Ltd [ 1967 ] Ch 41 ; Rene Claro ( Haute Coiffure ) Ltd v Halle Concerts Society [ 1969 ] 2 All ER 842 ; Keith Bayley Rogers & Co v Cubes Ltd ( 1975 ) 31 P & CR 412 ) .
10 The Tribunal considered that there would be a real denial of justice if Westland was not able to bring the member States to arbitration .
11 The bad weather has meant that farmers have not been able to bring the harvest in , and it has devastated the tourist industry .
12 He had exercised effective control of the labour force for ten years at the giant plant and had been able to bring the workers out on strike at the drop of a hat .
13 But if you widen the pavements and you differentiate the pavements from the roadway , and you use continental traffic calming measures which are not great big humps but which are perhaps little stretches of cobbles and things like that , then you should be able to bring the speed down to twenty miles an hour .
14 The administrative organs of an international organisation must be able to bring the requirements of the treaty to the attention of the member States , but if the members persist in their action , appear to have no further recourse .
15 In the belief that we can fund any remaining difference out of normal trading , we are now delighted to be able to bring the Lemon Fund/SAVE FACE appeal to an end .
16 Not until March 1550 was Somerset 's successor , Northumberland , able to bring the war to an end .
17 There are , however , certain defences to an action for defamation , and a member of a council may be able to bring the language he uses within the ambit of one of those defences .
18 Edward had met this challenge by invading Scotland , but he was unable to bring the enemy to battle .
19 Like most slippery performance aircraft it is essential to bring the power back , get the speed back with some flap and the undercarriage down before starting the approach .
20 As an ambiguous statement of that common ground Resolution 242 was a triumph , but it was insufficient to bring the parties together .
21 Provided that the person putting the terms forward has taken reasonable steps to bring the terms to the attention of persons in general , it is irrelevant that those steps were insufficient to bring the terms to the attention of the particular contracting partner , for instance because he/she is illiterate , blind or can not speak the language in which the terms are printed ( Thompson v London Midland and Scottish Railway Co [ 1930 ] 1 KB 41 ) .
22 Because it is not just one war , but at least three , being waged in Bosnia , it will be exceptionally difficult to bring the fighting to an end .
23 The same applies in flying instrument approaches : although it is a stable instrument platform , care is required since the flap limiting speed is around 100 knots , and even with the power back to around 15 ’ of manifold if the aircraft is allowed to descend before flaps and undercarriage are deployed it is very difficult to bring the speed back .
24 She held my hand steady to bring the cigarette to the flame and kept it for a few seconds longer than she had to .
25 Italian bankers also welcome the introduction of universal banking , though some grumble that regulators have been slow to bring the country into line with other European states .
26 It would probably be too slow to bring the hope now needed to avoid social unrest and possible collapse .
27 The big Dalek Killer had seemed determined to bring the shuttle in at the top of the space station .
28 ‘ It will then be very expensive to bring the railway back into service .
29 The miners have also failed to win the kind of support from other workers necessary to bring the government down .
30 It is necessary to bring the wood to a moisture content which is nearly at equilibrium with the environment in which the timber is going to be used for if this is not done one must expect warping and shrinkage .
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