Example sentences of "[adj] ahead of the " in BNC.

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1 Because the level of transactions was so high ahead of the slump in house prices , it is widely believed that there is a substantial number of homeowners waiting to sell when prices do start to recover .
2 Systems using heat detectors are inappropriate for high-bay warehouses bearing in mind that their response will be little ahead of the sprinkler system , which itself will provide an alarm signal both locally and to the Fire Brigade .
3 Making and editing getting on for fifty films would take time , but Karajan was well ahead of the game .
4 If you are inclined to take Frownies seriously , and wish to be well ahead of the game , you need look no farther than Clare Maxwell-Hudson 's office in north London , where the notion that anti-frown plasters are a new idea from the USA met with shrieks of incredulity .
5 The Forest Enterprise are well ahead of the game as far as provision for off-road facilities is concerned .
6 Hewlett-Packard Co is well ahead of the pack in fitting out its Unix machines with the kind of operations management systems that mainframe users expect , but Sun Microsystems Computer Corp is galloping off down the same path and has gone to Legent Corp for an agreement under which Legent will convert Legent 's system management tools to run on Sparcsystems under Solaris Unix .
7 Scientifically and academically — he 's a pure physicist — he was well ahead of the rest of the field .
8 It broadly finds that the systems being developed within government compare reasonably well with those in the private sector , although some firms are well ahead of the rest and government .
9 ‘ Trading in the first quarter of our new financial year has been up to our expectations and is well ahead of the same period last year , ’ he said .
10 In terms of representation , the Scottish party is well ahead of the rest of the UK , with women taking ten of the 35 places on its executive .
11 But I think , looking back in history , there has always been a erm strong erm religious motivation behind many of the past great scientists , like Newton , erm Boyle , Maxwell , Calvin — these are all people who had a very strong religious motivation erm behind their investigations , and if you look back in history still further , there is a strong case to be made that the reason why science was so dramatically successful in the west was because there was a strong belief in monotheistic religion , that people believe that the world had been created in an ordered way by a deity and so there really were laws of nature to be discovered , whereas if you study what happened in the Far East , for example , in China , the Chinese , you remember , were well ahead of the west in science at about the tenth century .
12 The result was last spring 's ‘ Sunburst ’ , a single that put his ‘ group ’ Tangerine ahead of the indie pack , though no one noticed ; it was not hardcore dance and the flip was superior , a bizarre Tommy James freak-out cover ‘ I Am A Tangerine ’ .
13 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
14 The company believes its technology , Intelliport boards , clusters , servers and wide-area network boards , is far ahead of the competition .
15 The young people I know pay no attention to such dictates and in that sense they are far ahead of the politicians and the priests .
16 Here Britain 's involvement was to be more significant , but still very modest indeed for a nation which in 1960 was far ahead of the rest of western Europe in space .
17 Sadly , we were too far ahead of the game and , despite the title being ready for a May launch we were forced to hold off because the software was one step behind our hardware !
18 The advisability of starting that particular debate , when Labour is far ahead of the Conservatives in the polls , was highly questionable .
19 The deutschmark was boosted by rumours that a realignment of the parities in the European Monetary System might be imminent ahead of the Maastricht summit of European Community leaders in December .
20 With opinion polls showing Labour ahead of the Conservatives , many health service managers are biding their time , not prepared to press forward rapidly with changes which could soon be reversed and which in any case they are reluctant to endorse .
21 Yesterday 's 9p drop to 370p took the shares to an 18-month low ahead of the promised interim announcement on the dispute between the tunnel developer and its contractors over the £800m of extra payments they are claiming .
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