Example sentences of "[adj] to work [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As we can not use an anharmonic force field in the analysis , it may seem preferable to work with idealized harmonic frequencies rather than the observed vibration frequencies , which include anharmonic contributions .
2 Civilian emergency services , including the police underwater team , were due to work alongside military personnel under the overall co-ordination of the police .
3 It might perhaps be possible to work with small groups of youngsters in their own area ( one such group is working with Margaret in Surrey ) and incorporate some of their work with that of the main team .
4 If repetitive sequences are to be probed , because of the stronger expected hybridization signal , it may be possible to work with fewer slides and mitotic cells but the need for banding remains .
5 However , in order that the scheme could , if successful , be relatively easily incorporated by local authorities into existing patterns of service provision it was decided not to substitute but to see whether it was possible to work alongside other services .
6 TIP : It 's much more pleasant to work in warm water , so let the heater bring the water up to temperature first .
7 The function includes part of the competitive labour supply function , i.e. that segment of L s above and to the right of point B , but renders inoperative the remaining part , i.e. that segment of L s below and to the left of point B. Workers who are willing to work at less than the wage stipulated by trades unions ( w 1 in Figure 5.1 ) will be excluded from active participation in the labour market for as long as these powerful combinations maintain their stranglehold as monopoly suppliers of labour .
8 He is a widower , with no family and few interests outside the hotel : as a result , he is prepared to work for long hours and generally acts as night porter during the week .
9 It must surely be much more pleasant and by no means as painful to work with friendly and docile ferrets .
10 ‘ It 's tremendous to work with such a talented team of photographers on the SMH .
11 By the time hay-making came to an end it was impossible to work in any of the Handley Farm fields without hearing the sound of axes eating their way through Wychwood Forest .
12 Their main preoccupation is providing winter keep for their breeding stock from steep , wet , acid soils , which are expensive and dangerous to work with modern machinery .
13 ‘ I used to have the impression that I should feel almost privileged to work at certain big-name establishments when I saw the size of my pay packet , and I never used to know my general manager .
14 If the soil is fit to work in late March , sow the hardier annuals like calendulas , cornflower , larkspur , limnanthes , nigella and sweet peas .
15 Since this is the way we read , it is easier and more natural to work in this way .
16 The two companies are likely to work on other management features such as the co-ordination of their Management Information Base for use on popular network management systems and the definition of a common network management database for their products .
17 Councillors have better educational qualifications and are more likely to work in non-manual occupations that the population at large .
18 In any case , not all Christians would accept that God 's mind is likely to work in this kind of way .
19 Fortunately there is a surprising repetitiveness about human nature : a good deal that has worked in one field is quite likely to work in another field .
20 It 's so hard to work on full glow when you 've only had a couple of hours kip .
21 Maybe he thinks being a Sergeant in the Engineers makes him too good to work for ordinary folk .
22 ‘ It was great to work with supreme professionals and to see how a big club like Spurs was run .
23 It 's great to work alongside some really experienced footballers like Frank Gray and Tony McAndrew , ’ said Nigel .
24 ‘ Its success can only be ensured by a maximum effort from all those willing and able to work to that end .
25 He was assessed as only able to work at 50 per cent of the rate for the job and only half his wages were paid under the scheme .
26 They were able to work on all the routes allocated to that depôt , including 16/18 .
27 We can then be involved in the setting of performance indicators and carrying out audits , much like we carry out our safety inspections , and that way we may be able to work on joint policies on the environment .
28 You will need to be able to work for long periods with a high degree of accuracy , and have really good eyesight .
29 Soon it became clear that Sarah was seriously ill with rheumatic fever and would not be able to work for some time , and another girl , Hetty , was engaged temporarily .
30 She would not be able to work with such a scene constantly before her eyes .
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