Example sentences of "[adj] right to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We are poor guardians if we do not ensure its unalterable right to childhood , to mystery , to dreams , to tenderness and to love ; if we do not realise that by ceasing to provide authority we may also cease to care ; if we do not conscientiously maintain the spiritual foundations without which the young can not build anew ; if we do not teach that there is a third way , neither reactionary nor libertarian , which still waits to be explored .
2 First of all , he can include a patent indemnity , without any exclusion clause tacked on to it , along the lines set out above , providing express but limited remedies , and , in particular , not putting forward an express right to compensation for economic loss .
3 Again , working with very wet paint onto dry paper , I apply successive washes of burnt umber and Prussian blue , burnt sienna and yellow ochre with a little more care , pulling diagonally downwards from top right to bottom left .
4 Again , working with very wet paint onto dry paper , I apply successive washes of burnt umber and Prussian blue , burnt sienna and yellow ochre with a little more care , pulling diagonally downwards from top right to bottom left .
5 Lily said , ‘ No , we can get Miss Bradshaw 's signature any time we want it ’ , and Vernon shouted that they had a perfect right to loiter on a public pavement .
6 Redeemable preference shares carry a preferential right to income and to repayment of capital on a winding up , but usually their participation in dividends and capital is capped at a pre-determined amount .
7 The three abortion cases , which may be reached in December , are unlikely to lead to a clean reversal of Roe v Wade , the 1973 Supreme Court ruling which granted an absolute right to abortion in the first three months of pregnancy and an almost unrestricted right in the next three .
8 The serious business , however , started when the absolute right to quota came under the hammer of the auctioneer , Iain Thomson .
9 Would the rest of Britain simply accept that it was their democratic right to self-determination that was being exercised ?
10 The 131-page report went beyond Meech Lake in its proposed redistribution of power from federal to provincial governments , particularly to Quebec , and in acknowledging the inherent right to self-government by Canada 's native Indian and Inuit populations .
11 A treaty regime affording third party rights can not outweigh a State 's inherent right to self-defence .
12 These regional ministries operate as a normal part of the Whitehall machine except that they are located in Scotland and Wales , and they have the normal right to membership of any Cabinet committees dealing with matters for which they take responsibility in their areas .
13 That is what will keep us head and shoulders above any of our competitors even if they do wave a BS5750 certificate around as though it guarantees them a divine right to business success .
14 At a stroke the party managers and fixers have lost their assumption of a divine right to power .
15 Laurence Tribe , Professor of Law at Harvard University , said he thought the session would continue to chip away at the broad right to abortion .
16 Come July and the Supreme Court decision , Mr Coleman found Virginia voters were two to one in favour of the retention of a broad right to abortion .
17 They might pause to reflect that there are those already born who have an equally strong right to life as an unborn child , and for whom embryo experimentation may give some hope of cure or relief .
18 If one takes the position that human right to life is absolute , then one must show a morally relevant difference between human and animal life that justifies denying that an animal 's right to life is absolute , and I believe we have shown that such a difference is not readily found .
19 Thereafter , both under our domestic law and under the Convention , the courts have the power and the duty to assess the ‘ pressing social need ’ for the maintenance of confidentiality ‘ proportionate to the legitimate aim pursued ’ against the basic right to freedom of expression and all other relevant factors .
20 Mr Justice Douglas Brown said that the defendants were negligent ( 1 ) in failing to appreciate that they were dealing with a husband of substantial means who might well be able to afford to pay , not only a lump sum , but also substantial periodical payments ; ( 2 ) in failing to obtain full disclosure of the husband 's financial affairs ; ( 3 ) in failing to realise that because of family trusts and wills the husband had an expectation of further assets ; ( 4 ) in advising the wife to obtain a mortgage when she had no taxable income ; ( 5 ) in recommending a settlement which removed the wife 's undoubted right to maintenance ; and ( 6 ) in failing to use ouster proceedings to remove the husband from the matrimonial home .
21 The natural right to liberty also began to be combined , though much less regularly than in the 1820s , with the conviction from liberal political economy of the greater efficiency and wealth-creating properties of free labour .
22 According to the judge , the ‘ decency clause ’ another compromise with Congressmen who threatened to dissolve the NEA was so vaguely worded that it tends to impinge on the First Amendment 's guaranteed right to freedom of speech .
23 What is suggested is that the supposed right to self-determination may not be the creature it is thought to be .
24 Whereas developments in Guam took those involved in the abortion debate by surprise , the anti-abortion legislation passed in Idaho was prepared by the National Right to Life Committee with the specific intention of forcing the Supreme Court to re-examine the remaining aspects of Roe v. Wade .
25 ‘ They jointly commit themselves to Ireland 's national right to self-determination on the whole island .
26 On the face of it , the Bundestag 's decision at the end of last month to abolish refugees ' automatic right to asylum was reasonable .
27 We have no automatic right to Group work but we do try to be the preferred contractor .
28 He urged them to act decisively for ‘ the inviolable right to life , which belongs to every person from conception until life 's natural end ’ .
29 There is no law on emotional damages , for instance , if it has never been decided by any statute or precedent or other procedure specified by convention either that people have a legal right to compensation for emotional damages or that they do not .
30 But when he discovers from his review of the precedents that mothers already have a legal right to compensation for emotional injury suffered on a direct view of the accident , and therefore that drivers must already insure against causing emotional damage in those circumstances , the question of insurance costs becomes more complex .
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