Example sentences of "[adj] right to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Innkeepers have a legal right to payment in advance .
32 The National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) believes that it is unacceptable that we have no legal right to privacy in this country and that individuals have to look to Europe — waiting many years for a result — for protection against arbitrary interference with this right .
33 The Government has taken steps to improve court procedures but it has steadfastly refused to introduce a legal right to interest .
34 And we will improve the existing Right to Repair .
35 It begged male comps faced with a female colleague to " Be kind to her if you ca n't wed her or shift her , " and went on : State broadly and fully wherein we are sinners Remembering that many of us are breadwinners For mothers and sisters whom we must assist , hence We claim with yourselves equal right to existence
36 Be tolerant , they have an equal right to life .
37 De Rossa described the withholding of the newspaper as " the latest ludicrous consequence of the Eighth Amendment to the Constitution " [ the 1983 " equal right to life " clause ] .
38 An existing protocol to the Treaty effectively excluded this , declaring : " Nothing in the Treaty … shall affect the application in Ireland of Article 40.3.3 of the Constitution of Ireland [ guaranteeing the " equal right to life " of both mother and foetus ] " .
39 In Rawls it can be seen from his model of ‘ pure procedural justice ’ and the assertion of an equal right to liberty as the primary principle .
40 At any rate , the scope of Dworkin 's rights theory as currently formulated is plainly too narrow to generate the kind of economic rights that might be consistent with an equal right to self-development .
41 The polio patient 's equal right to self-determination should not be denied merely because he is helpless .
42 Each of these future estates , though it gave no present right to possession or enjoyment , was treated as something already in existence , which could be disposed of and would descend ( so far as it is inheritable ) just like a present estate .
43 As to the interaction between a contractual right to litigation costs and the court 's discretionary power under section 51(1) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 , there are several judicial dicta to which reference should be made .
44 On 19 December 1989 Vinelott J. declared that the plaintiffs were not entitled to object to items in the accounts on the ground that the items were unreasonable in amount except where the items challenged formed part of litigation costs that had been directed to be taxed on an indemnity basis , in which case the plaintiffs could make objections appropriate to a taxation on an indemnity basis unless ( a ) the court had deprived the first defendant ( as mortgagee ) of any relevant costs ; or ( b ) the court had ordered taxation of any relevant costs on some other basis save where there was no inconsistency between such an order and the first defendant contractual right to payment of such costs .
45 ‘ unless … ( a ) the court has deprived the first defendant ( as mortgagee ) of any relevant costs ; or ( b ) the court has ordered taxation of any relevant costs on some other basis save where there is no inconsistency between such an order and the preservation of the first defendant 's contractual right to payment of such costs ( for example , where such an order has been , or is hereafter , made against the mortgagors or any of them and other persons joined as co-plaintiffs or co-defendants with the mortgagors or any of them ) .
46 The defendants contend that their contractual right to indemnity costs entitles them to recover or retain all costs actually incurred save only those that are incurred otherwise than bona fide or are incurred for an improper motive .
47 The present appeal falls to be considered on the basis that the sums were in fact repaid , and further that ( as is now no longer in dispute ) there was no contractual right to interest .
48 He succeeded in wearing down Thomson on this point , but the proposal was eventually rejected by the Colonial Office , with lengthy quotations from Lugard employed to prove its case that the emirs had lost the sovereign right to taxation when defeated on the field of battle .
49 A person who has been dispossessed may bring an action for ejectment where he can establish an immediate right to possession .
50 At that moment I understood that the Army out there , with its tanks aiding those madmen or , OK , even those pitiful people defending their immediate right to life is not defending anything that can be described as a social or national cause .
51 The ministry demanded more than 400 changes altogether — which Professor Ienaga described as tantamount to censorship and a violation of the constituional right to freedom of expression .
52 So far as privacy was concerned , Malone accepted that there was no general right to privacy in English law , but argued that there was a particular right of privacy , namely the right to hold a telephone conversation in one 's home without molestation .
53 A general right to privacy need to be enshrined in a British bill of rights which protects private lives and tastes from the interference of the state .
54 The general right to information was confirmed , and perhaps extended , in the Local Government ( Access to Information ) Act 1985 .
55 There was at this stage no general right to self-determination .
56 Recognition of Indian right to self-government — Supreme Court decision on Indian land claim
57 It is unfortunate , therefore , that doubts about the extent to which its character has changed should occur just as Germany has chosen to abandon one of its strongest symbols of guilt , its constitutional right to asylum .
58 The politicians , promoters and sweeping sentiment converged to conspire against his constitutional right to work : stated barred him from fighting .
59 In Malone , the Court was asked to recognize a limited common-law right to privacy whereas in Kennedy the Court was asked to take the much bolder step and apply in this sensitive area an implied constitutional right to privacy which was not to be found in the Constitution .
60 Unlike in America , there is no legal or constitutional right to privacy .
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