Example sentences of "[adj] at [det] stage " in BNC.

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1 But h Well obviously you have been clean shaven at some stage but
2 He did not want things to go wrong at this stage .
3 Johnny , Johnny would ask you if you did the auditing for Westminster , but , er that 's a bit wrong at this stage .
4 It is clear at that stage the London committee envisaged funding its proposed activities by subscriptions , and that it intended to concern itself with the diseases of cows and sheep as well as horses .
5 Are the options clear at each stage for the teacher ?
6 ‘ Any team who are five points clear at this stage have to be the favourites . ’
7 How much design effort is needed in the different areas will not be clear at this stage but unless the system is very simple there are bound to be problems of overlap and of how far to arrange sub-teams by discipline , by function or by problem ( Singleton , 1987 ) .
8 It is probable that the dryopithecin apes were mainly arboreal , but it is not clear at this stage what their diet was in such an environment .
9 It is not clear at this stage what the demand for such reports will be .
10 Whether this will mean a levelling up to 65 or down to 60 is not clear at this stage .
11 But there is no evidence of such a direct link between the Bootle killing and screen violence , and many people may find such speculation insensitive and distasteful at this stage .
12 Miss D'Arcy took the compliment , appreciated the censure and the mocking of Mrs Crump , and smiled the smile of the dumbly adoring at Hope , who was alerted by such a perfect response but nevertheless willing at this stage to receive it at face value .
13 In any event , the dog may be too nervous to allow it to run free at this stage , and to be trusted to return to you .
14 Would n't my dismissal , inevitable eventually , have been a whole lot more unpleasant at that stage ?
15 Ally did n't train and must be rated very doubtful at this stage .
16 But we are not interested at this stage in tee markers and if you keep mentioning them Ron they 'll think hello
17 Things had been near perfect at that stage , and they 'd gone for a drink later , with Amanda chatting up the barman who had seemed a nice shy boy , if a bit quiet for the job .
18 It was n't crucial at this stage to get her to step on to the glove repeatedly ; it was more important for her to develop the right attitude to the whole process .
19 Er , a particular concern at the time of writing the report was the position concerning the long outstanding proposals to develop to redevelop the two sites in Harlow erm to date we have no information from the county , er , there was scheduled to be erm , the meeting due to take place on the twenty second of September but the county er cancelled that meeting so it 's impossible at this stage to give any further comment on that erm although I believe that matter 's being taken up .
20 Prayer for strength is appropriate at any stage of our lives and might well be made daily but that does not invalidate the usefulness of marking one day in our life when someone prays over us in public and asks that out of the treasures of his glory , God may grant you strength and power through his spirit in your inner being that through faith cast may dwell in your hearts in love .
21 In contrast the trie can store other information and is therefore more appropriate at this stage .
22 It is appropriate at this stage , having considered the formation and structure of both a partnership and a company , to compare and contrast these two business structures .
23 It is appropriate at this stage to offer some clarification in relation to the Catholic understanding of the terms Religious Education and Moral Education .
24 I have already indicated why I consider these rates not to be appropriate at this stage .
25 As this meeting is in camera it is allowable at this stage to point out that certain elements in this family , being of — er — immigrant origin , ah , have a totally different conception of the role of a daughter in a family and of parental rights , and while doing all they could to respect the traditions of minority ethnic groups , and in particular the rather dominant role of the father in such societies , in the last resort it was with the protection of a minor that the Council was concerned according to the law of this country .
26 It adds : ‘ The viability of this proposal will need to be further explored with the private sector and others as it is too early at this stage to value the commercial opportunities a road might bring for improved coal and mineral extraction , forestry , recreation and other developments to defray construction costs . ’
27 If the salesperson is unsuccessful at this stage , then he or she may not have the opportunity of selling to the firm again until the next model change ( and even then it is difficult trying to dislodge established suppliers ) .
28 Further information was contained on and used by the payroll system which was not contained on or used by the PMIS and vice versa It was therefore decided that the updating procedures for the Payroll Master File and the PMIS should be kept separate at this stage .
29 Such expansion in a small business is particularly dangerous at this stage of its development in terms of potential survival given the number of small firms that fail in the first two years .
30 Being able to examine the feet easily is also important if the dog becomes lame at any stage .
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