Example sentences of "[adj] for [art] benefit " in BNC.

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1 Yolanda was a spotty , bespectacled girl from Barcelona who spent her time translating every word I said into Spanish for the benefit of Garcia , a missing-link anthropoid from one of your immediate neighbours .
2 The Way Ahead Committee which is a joint Bar Council/Inns Council committee established ‘ to examine means of ensuring that the resources of the Bar and Inns are managed as effectively as possible for the benefit of the profession ’ ; and
3 Enchanted at first by her good fortune in becoming Anne Mowbray 's companion , grateful for the benefits showered upon her , Joan rapidly became accustomed to her new role .
4 The aim was to make use of all available resources whether labelled public or private for the benefit of the patient who wanted treatment .
5 Personally I think they are window-dressing as usual for the benefit of their Scottish support .
6 This provides for the survival of causes of action vested in the deceased for the benefit of his estate .
7 The intended role of the SE is to facilitate cross-border co-operation by means of large-scale mergers and associations , which the Commission regard as imperative for the benefit of the Community , in order to enable European business to compete more efficiently in world markets against , for example , eg US and Japanese megaliths .
8 Under s665(2) , a settlement shall not be deemed to be revocable by reason only : ( a ) that it contains a provision under which any income or assets will or may become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor , or the wife or husband of the settlor , on the bankruptcy of the settlor 's child or in the event of an assignment of or charge on that income or those assets being executed by the settlor 's child ; or ( b ) that it provides for the determination of the settlement by the act or on the default of any person in such a manner that the determination will not , during the lifetime of the settlor 's child , benefit the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor ; or ( c ) in the case of a settlement to which section 33 of the Trustee Act 1925 applies , that it directs income to be held for the benefit of the settlor 's child on protective trusts , unless the trust period is a period less than the life of the child or the settlement specifies some event on the happening of which the child would , if the income were payable during the trust period to him absolutely during that period , be deprived of the right to receive all or part of the income .
9 Taxes Act 1988 , s683 provides that where income under a settlement is payable to or applicable for the benefit of any person other than the settlor then unless the situation comes within one of the following five situations ( listed in TA 1988 , s683(1) ) the income shall for the purposes of " excess liability " be treated as the income of the settlor and not as the income of any other person for tax purposes .
10 the income consists of annual payments made under a partnership agreement to or for the benefit of a former partner , or the widow or dependants of a deceased former partner , of the partnership , being payments made under a liability incurred for full consideration ; 2. the income is payable in connection with the acquisition of a partnership ; 3. the income arises under a settlement made by one party to a marriage by way of provision for the other after the dissolution or annulment of the marriage , or while they are separated under an Order of the Court or under a separation agreement or in such circumstances that the separation is likely to be permanent , being income payable to or applicable for the benefit of the other party ; 4. the income is from property of which the settlor has divested himself absolutely by the settlement ; 5. the income is income which under other provisions of the tax legislation is treated for the purposes of the Taxes Acts as that of the settlor .
11 For the purposes of 4 above the settlor shall not be deemed to have divested himself absolutely of any property if that property or any income therefrom or any property directly or indirectly representing the proceeds of or the income from that property or any income therefrom is or will , or may , become payable to or applicable for the benefit of the settlor or the wife or husband of the settlor in any circumstances whatsoever ( TA 1988 , s685(1) ) .
12 Er that started with show that we are whatever our issue and obviously resolve er a very for the benefit of of .
13 The regulation of pension funds tends to be far lighter than for insurance companies as they are bound by trust legislation , and because the companies that offer pensions have an incentive to make sure that schemes are adequately administered as they are responsible for the benefits they have agreed upon for their employees ( even though they rarely run the fund themselves ) .
14 Some passages are given in full for the benefit of those of our members with a technical bent .
15 Discussions with the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund ( BMIF ) had taken place , as a result of which insurance in a limited form would be available for the benefit of those subject to disciplinary proceedings , with effect from April 1993 .
16 Where the exemption clause seeks to exclude such liability suffered by a party to the contract ( the " innocent party " ) who is a natural person ( most usually , but not always , a consumer ) , because of the negligence of the other party ( the " party in default " ) ( whether or not a natural person ) , then s 2(1) clearly applies , and the exemption clause will be regarded as void for the benefit of the innocent party should he suffer such personal injury or death .
17 However , he should ask himself why it is that , when people are given access and are judged eligible for the benefits , the administration is so inadequate that paying out the genuine benefits breaks the system .
18 If benefit ceases to be paid completely when an individual reaches a certain level of income , then there will be an anomaly at that point , as someone earning £1 less will still be eligible for the benefit .
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