Example sentences of "[adj] ability [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The further development of these lines of thought may lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying principles of health and disease and an enhanced ability to convert the latter to the former .
2 Young children have an enviable ability to acquire the rapid , casual pronunciation of a language apparently without effort if they are provided with the necessary social contact with native speakers and meaningful communication situations .
3 Atiyah , op. cit. ( pp. 34–38 ) , referring to the bills of exchange position before the 1882 Act , to ‘ golden handshake ’ transactions and forbearance to sue , and the one-time ability to enforce a promise to pay a statute-barred debt ( abolished by the Limitation Acts ) and to enforce a promise to carry out a promise given for consideration during infancy ( abolished by the Infants Relief Act 1874 ) argues that ‘ … the rule about past consideration is too broadly stated .
4 It supposes complete access to the language meaning ( the range of interpretations of that element of the message ) and developed ability to convey the message meaning in the target language .
5 Their actual ability to fire a weapon , a hand gun in this case .
6 But whether you are here for the first or merely the latest time , as you enter the square — better still , as you emerge into it , blinking away the bright Milanese light as you climb up out of the Metro — there can be no doubting its magical ability to conjure a timeless moment of calm from out of the bustle .
7 For example , the right to work would depend solely upon individual ability to do the job ; the renewal of an annual driving licence after the age of 70 would have to be replaced by measures which are not triggered simply by people reaching a certain age .
8 Francis Bacon , who drank free at the Colony Room in its early days in exchange for introducing rich punters , has remarked on Muriel 's ‘ tremendous ability to create an atmosphere of ease ’ .
9 It is in these environments that there is evidence of real ability to anticipate the future and plan responses in a systematic way .
10 It was argued that supply-side economics offered most to the politicians , whereas theories of political business cycles suggest an ‘ incentive ’ but perhaps little real ability to manipulate the economy to secure re-election .
11 Now question is whether or not there is a simple ability to realise a capital receipt and use it I think , and if that were true , if what you 're saying is true and there was some net gain to be made very easily then I think we would have a hard time , perhaps , refusing what you 're saying .
12 In faction-ridden and difficult times for governments , Bubwith 's value had been his simple ability to keep the wheels turning , and for that he was well rewarded .
13 There are other natural evolutionary advantages concerning diet and physiological peculiarities , akin to that pertaining to the giraffe and its unique ability to reach the highest-growing leaves .
14 This not only boosted confidence in the sentencer 's own unique ability to reach the right result ( Parker et al. , 1999 : ch. 5 ) , but also emphasized the inviolability of the sentencing function in the face of perceived interference from outside .
15 Vitamin E is really a group of plant oils called tocopherols. they have the unique ability to prevent the deterioration that occurs in certain fats as a result of exposure to oxygen in the air , and so help to prevent deterioration of fats in the healthy body .
16 In recounting his goal-scoring triumphs , Ken Mentle had the unique ability to empty the Duck and Forceps in six minutes flat .
17 Lavender , in particular , has the remarkable ability to stimulate the regeneration of skin cells — wonderful in the healing of burns , scar-tissue , wounds , ulcers and so forth .
18 There are some people who have a remarkable ability to attract the opposite sex , and sometimes it is sex that it 's all about .
19 The situation is not desperate although it should be remedied because many Insular musicians , judged in relation to their European counterparts , possess a remarkable ability to produce an accurate performance virtually at sight , a skill acquired by many singers during years of preparing services under pressure in cathedrals and Oxbridge chapels .
20 However , the spadefoot 's body tissues have the remarkable ability to withstand the loss of large amounts of water .
21 DAVIES has a deep Italian suntan emphasised by a cool white shirt , a dark fringe through which he continually runs his fingers , and a frightening ability to strike a dramatic pose .
22 There will be no dynamics , maybe not an obvious ability to adjust the scoring rate when it is needed .
23 James Moir , head of BBC TV light entertainment , said : ‘ His unique gruff humour , his exceptional ability to use the English language to produce brilliant comic effect has rarely been equalled and surely now will never be surpassed .
24 Christopher Hinton he likens to Admiral Rickover ; both men had the valuable and unusual ability to provide the essential working liaison between laboratory and industry .
25 The great cathedrals bore witness to a towering vision of transcendence yet , at the same time , expressed a confidence in the human ability to make the great leap necessary to bridge the gulf between heaven and earth .
26 The possibility of using the computer to generate apparently random sequences of numbers allows the production of computer programs which , in essence , copy the human ability to throw an unbiased dice or toss a coin .
27 Success or failure of this experiment depends on the basic human ability to impose a delay between the stimulus and the response .
28 It is the peculiar human ability to re-organize and re-describe and re-evaluate from novel points of view that makes for the superiority of the consultants over any set of bibliographical instruments , as well as the human ability to recognize a question as misconceived or stupid .
29 Thus when the chimpanzee , supplied in the laboratory with two boxes and a stick to reach a suspended bunch of bananas , stops leaping up and trying the reach them with its hands and instead puts one box on top of the other , climbs up and dislodges the bananas with the stick , it is using to the full its basic ability to suppress the automatic response — leaping up — in favour of the intelligent one — climbing up and reaching with the stick .
30 In setting himself such a standard , Herbert sought to fulfil the ambition expressed when he was ordained : ‘ Though the iniquity of the late times have made clergymen meanly valued and the sacred name of priest contemptible ; yet I will labour to make it honourable , by consecrating all my learning and all my poor abilities to advance the glory of God that gave them . ’
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