Example sentences of "[adj] as far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 But smoking was obviously kosher as far as this old bat went .
2 But it was still kosher as far as Albert Roger Quigley was concerned .
3 Fish are unable to spawn as their breeding grounds are buried or destroyed by sand banks created by the dredgers , whose operations render water undrinkable as far as 60 km downstream .
4 Mrs Symons was , as a matter of fact , a frequent visitor to this house before the war ; indeed , she was among the most popular as far as the staff were concerned due to the kind appreciation she never shied from showing .
5 But I imagine this often happens — people are for all practical purposes sane as far as the analyst 's door and become mad as they stretch themselves out and explain their sanity .
6 Niall might be free as far as the law was concerned , but he had been the injured party , the one left to pick up the pieces when the woman he must have loved walked out .
7 It was this very situation — one where the workers themselves could take control of the struggle , organise and demand on their own behalf — which was not acceptable as far as the trade union bureaucracy and leadership were concerned .
8 On the appointed Saturday in October , Micky met me at the railway station and drove me ( in a fairly elderly Morris Oxford with a canvas hood ) right down the High as far as the University Church , and there he parked ( no problem then ) .
9 The area between the Severn and Stroud is perhaps one of the more interesting as far as Gloucestershire 's industrial heritage is concerned .
10 There are over protective parents and there are those that will defend the indefensible as far as their children are concerned .
11 ‘ It 's OK as far as I 'm concerned . ’
12 This book , therefore , is good and probably reliable as far as it goes .
13 Ability to provide a short-form report to stock exchange requirements ( ie unqualified as far as possible ) .
14 I 'm afraid as far as I 'm concerned you still look about sixteen .
15 We in the north , and in the E E C in particular , have a policy of encouraging , or discouraging , Third World countries from from doing anything to the , the commodities at all , apart from exporting them raw as far as possible .
16 It 's a load of fucking crap to be quite honest as far as I 'm concerned !
17 None of us is pure as far as animal exploitation is concerned .
18 The New Moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio on the 29th should prove exciting and rather eventful as far as one involvement or partnership is concerned — and obviously 1989 is by no means over yet , not by a long chalk .
19 So it 's not a lot of lot of bother the only thing is that i you got ta drive in town rather than drive on country lanes to get to the main roads little bit more dangerous as far as getting caught is concerned ha !
20 On the practical level , changes in social policies which reduce women 's claims to maintenance on men but do not recognise that changes in the division of responsibilities for caring between men and women within the family and between the family and the wider community are also required , may in the end be counter-productive as far as women are concerned .
21 The UK solution to the need for a continuous and systematic comparison of the two is to keep them separate as far as the double-entry is concerned but to report them side-by-side .
22 My dancing partner and her parents turned up , a little bit embarrassing for me as my French was very limited as far as conversation was concerned .
23 My own preferences tend toward the simple and straightforward as far as switching is concerned .
24 Therefore , a work may be easy in one respect and hard in others ; for example , Silkin 's short poem ‘ The Worm ’ is straightforward as far as the vocabulary and sentence structure are concerned but , even so , the meaning of the poem is by no means transparent .
25 The balcony was cool and the night was dark as far as Broadway , where a slab of writhing electricity changed the colour of all the window panes on the other side of the street .
26 The Lithuania match is meaningless as far as World Cup Group Three is finish his career with an unbeaten run .
27 He squatted down and propped it against a clump of little bushes , pulling up the aerial as far as it would go .
28 We were lucky in finding something to drink but unfortunate as far as the crumpet was concerned .
29 ‘ The brief as far as I was concerned was not to imitate a dancehall record , not to try and pretend it came from Gussie 's Music Works or it was a Firehouse Crew production or something .
30 Twist your body to the left as far as possible , and then round to the right as far as possible .
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