Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] wait for " in BNC.

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1 There are many other distinctions which the Aborigines make which we do not — an illustration of the fact that the world does not come pre-packed into nameable entities waiting for each language to pin its names on .
2 Three youths armed with Armalite pen-knives waited for the band to unload their gear before threatening them and attempting to drive away with their van .
3 Staring out across the car park , where silent , empty cars wait for their owners like patient pets , he ponders the success of the meeting .
4 There is also the interesting combination of a lithographed People on a Pavement ( 1967 ) by L.S. Lowry and the gouache and crayon drawing of a group of five hunched miners Waiting for Opening Time by Tom McGuinness .
5 It blended in beautifully with the rubbish bags and empty bottles waiting for the refuse men , but with my luck they 'd probably arrive before I could collect it .
6 Ministers arriving at their desks next week will find detailed briefs waiting for them and officials asking for decisions to be taken quickly .
7 When I got back to the block there it was sitting on the table beside the empty bowls waiting for soup : an extra biscuit each , spread with liver paste , and half a quarter pound slab of chocolate .
8 So the black-backed gulls wait for them in the air in front of the cliffs , wheeling and circling on the up-draught created as the wind , blowing in from the sea , is deflected upwards .
9 These characteristics lead to a generally well-controlled and efficient method of production , whose main disadvantage is the time-delay caused by the queueing effect of individual units waiting for the batch to be completed before moving on to the next operation .
10 Bored GIs waiting for the war with Iraq to begin whiled away the time with fellow female soldiers .
11 Bored GIs waiting for the war with Iraq to begin whiled away the time with fellow female soldiers .
12 There are some really splendid waters waiting for your first , well considered cast .
13 We passed a new supermarket , a miniature imitation of the American drive-in , and then some large furniture shops whose massive suites of heavy , over-stuffed couches and chairs filled the windows like obese pashas waiting for ladies to settle in their laps .
14 Some males hang around the mating areas waiting for courting couples .
15 This is the inevitable product of a period during which the adults have failed to instil in the children truly effective consciences , resulting in an increase in uncivilised behaviour in all its endlessly varied forms , from the unfair ‘ jumping ’ of otherwise orderly queues waiting for goods or services , to acts of great cruelty and violence .
16 There were curious villagers waiting for the wedding to begin in the back seats of the church but they did not look to left or right .
17 The terror of the live theatre , and all those powerful professionals waiting for him : it was all that concerned , even consumed him .
18 The latter two did not appear to be speaking to each other , and Sid and Algernon were prowling round each other like lean and hungry panthers waiting for an opportunity to strike .
19 Hysterical messages waiting for me when I got home . ’
20 The file of other passengers followed him across the iron-hard snow , to where a queue of strange vehicles waited for them , engines ticking over .
21 Tight-lipped , she drove in silence , keeping her eyes firmly on the road , but as they sat at red traffic-lights waiting for them to change she could n't keep silent any longer .
22 The same autograph-hunting crowds wait for her and the same bland interviewers are at hand to ask the same repetitive questions for TV , radio , newspaper or magazines .
23 There are many big sharks waiting for the wee Minister to announce the terms of these sales .
25 We can sit round Green Lanes waiting for word .
26 Did they not feel the pressure of hopes raised , of hungry naked children waiting for them to move their pens ?
27 The emigrants ' discomfort was aggravated by tantalising radio reports of the steaming soup tureens , hot water and clean clothes waiting for them at the reception centre in Hof , West Germany .
28 He also played cards with other members of the crew as they sat in their canvas-backed chairs waiting for the cameras to roll .
29 For three long weeks his anxious parents waited for the results of more tests which would confirm whether he had this almost unknown condition , A-T .
30 The only good and powerful females I can think of are fairies ( ie , not real people ) and for every fairy godmother there are 10 wimpy heroines waiting for a prince to rescue them .
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