Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] waiting for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The speed with which some of the incidents flared up suggests , in fact , that the kids were not sitting indoors , but that they were already out there on the streets — often bored , resentful and waiting for trouble ’ ( ibid.:46 ) .
2 They left within two days of his release , leaving me tired , dazed , relieved and waiting for the Second Son to come ‘ home ’ for yet another week-end .
3 Mr Lambert said : ‘ It may be that this man was hitch-hiking or waiting for a lift . ’
4 News on the Rialto is that the marker price at which IBM Corp is doing deals is $45,000 per MIPS — and our New York associate Technology News of America hears German users are sitting tight and waiting for the price to hit $40,000 per MIPS .
5 She knew nothing of the future other than that it was an inhospitable fog that no-one had any choice but to enter , but she was certain that there was a scene all laid-out and waiting for her where she brought in the name of the man — or woman — who 'd first talked to Chrissie and then run her down .
6 But he had been unafraid , although a tremor had gone through him as he entered the great Sun Chamber and found Dierdriu alone and waiting for him .
7 It is estimated that over 30 species have become extinct while waiting for a listing .
8 In contrast , Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Office were keeping tight-lipped and waiting for a final decision to be made known today or tomorrow .
9 Intuitively , one might claim that the need for completeness which is satisfied when are angry is added to residents in ( 2 ) is of the same order as that experienced when waiting for , say , the splash of a stone thrown out over the sea , or for the arrival of food in one 's mouth when one has watched it being prepared .
10 3 Be intensely attentive when waiting for answer of imitation .
11 A fortnight away by the sea and when they came back , the flat all ready and waiting for them .
12 They had plenty of berries and there would be jobs ready and waiting for them .
13 Horses nearly always hesitate when they are led into a dark stable at night , even if they know their dinner is ready and waiting for them there .
14 The first items unpacked were trout-rods ; and they stayed up , ready and waiting for instant use for as long as we lived there .
15 In popular mythology poisonous snakes are always ready and waiting for the chance to strike out and kill their attackers .
16 Opened by another Mr Perkins who was staying at the same hotel , the package was passed to police who were ready and waiting for the actor when he arrived at the hotel in Cardiff .
17 He 's now ready and waiting for the Bridge return , saying : ‘ We are playing against the Premier League leaders so obviously we 've got something to prove to everyone as well .
18 He 'll have been sending his money out there for years , all ready and waiting for him to arrive . ’
19 The abbot 's guests had dispersed decorously , Rémy and Earl Robert in amicable company to the guesthall , where Bénezet was already returned from his evening in the town , in good time to attend his lord , as the earl 's two squires stood ready and waiting for theirs .
20 I always wore clogs , and if an iron came off while I was cycling to town I could take it to him , go off somewhere like the pictures , and it would be ready and waiting for me straight afterwards .
21 Using the extra man , they controlled the game at a stroll and no doubt the Swindon fans were ready and waiting for a massacre .
22 Before dawn this morning the protestors were again out in force , ready and waiting for the demolition men .
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