Example sentences of "[adj] [pron] 'd been " in BNC.

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1 She apologised for the mess , wiping her hands on her apron and then shaking my hand while I said how sorry I 'd been to hear .
2 ‘ But I do n't think I 'll ever be quite so scared of cows again , ’ she added , when she told of her perilous passage through the herd and how afraid she 'd been .
3 Ruth closed her eyes , the weight of relief making her feel how afraid she 'd been .
4 I was afraid they 'd been carrying on . ’
5 Even from this distance it was clear he 'd been hit several times in the chest and there was also red paint all over his visor .
6 Leonora , afraid he 'd been about to order her to bed , assented so rapturously that Penry eyed her in amusement as he crossed to the stairs .
7 Rayleen did n't find anything else broken , though she seemed convinced I 'd been run over by a steamroller .
8 I thought how thoughtful you 'd been . ’
9 Only when she heard her aunt 's familiar voice and had to fight a desire to burst into tears did Luce realise just how strung-up she 'd been .
10 ‘ Because I was convinced you 'd been as shaken , as moved , by our lovemaking as I , initially it threw me .
11 Later , Lucien realised just how fortunate he 'd been when Mandru 's agent had made a bid for him at Por Tanssie .
12 Gravellier felt nervous , so nervous he 'd been unable to eat any breakfast .
13 She said she was sorry she 'd been so cross about Timothy Gedge .
14 How glad I 'd been in those first nights with him .
15 Dot was glad she 'd been warned by the dancing man because there was no warning from Gloria .
16 Being upset about Timothy Gedge had made her tired , but she was glad she 'd been upset , for at least it made sense , not like moping over a baby that could n't be born .
17 She was lucky she 'd been able to keep it a secret all along .
18 After all , she now knew beyond reasonable doubt who her father had been , and she 'd warmed to the little she 'd been told about him .
19 Not even squatters camped in this place , so more likely they 'd been broken by locals scavenging for carpets or pipes .
20 Workers leaving the site tonight seemed reluctant to say anything , but it was obvious they 'd been told something … and it was n't good news .
21 The guys who had been up at Lockerbie , after Pan Am 103 , working alongside the British police , they did n't know how lucky they 'd been
22 But he was glad he 'd been able to fend off too many probing journalistic questions about her ; he did n't want them publishing any comments about her at this stage , that was sure .
23 But the market would be affected , particularly as the disappointed broker had n't hesitated to tell everyone how lucky he 'd been not to drop a packet on Dreadnought , which had gone straight to the bottom like a stone in a pond .
24 The rational part of his mind knew this could not be the case , and that it was most likely he 'd been travelling in circles .
25 When I first saw the dog , it was quite obvious he 'd been deeply affected by the explosion and had developed a 100-watt phobia for light bulbs !
26 ‘ Then what made you so sure somebody 'd been in ?
27 How gullible she 'd been .
28 I mean , you were n't even sure she 'd been there at all . ’
29 I 'm sure she 'd been sitting there , but she was hardly wearing anything !
30 Says she could n't stop 'erself , she was so sure she 'd been saved . ’
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