Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] holds the " in BNC.

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1 Users can share Windows applications , requiring that only one personal computer holds the application and files .
2 The little girl holds the caterpillar , plies it carefully from the twig to which it had moulded itself .
3 The hard disc holds the teeming registers of potential purchasers and his own mind is merged with this other , faster random-access memory , so that he can turn to me and say , ‘ You want ABC ones with late four-door Volvos ?
4 The left hand holds the rabbit 's back legs , the right hand takes hold of the rabbit 's head in front of the ears .
5 The idea , he says , is to spread the message that neither organised religion nor conventional science holds the answers to the world 's problems .
6 Hermes at the left end holds the winged horses of Athena 's chariot which she is mounting ; on the central slab another goddess , almost certainly Aphrodite , steps down from a chariot which faces the other way .
7 Following the general election in April 1989 the Arab Baath Socialist Party holds the majority of the Assembly seats , the remainder being distributed among members of the state-sponsored National Progressive Patriotic Front ( NPPF ) [ see p. 36601 ] .
8 In hard cases , on the other hand , the negative part holds the stage .
9 The partially closed window holds the foam in place , allowing the cable or hose free movement . ,
10 The guide should be slightly in front whilst the blind pupil holds the guide 's arm lightly just above the elbow .
11 A large old-fashioned sideboard holds the drinks .
12 AN Australian morals campaigner whose small party holds the balance of power in the New South Wales Parliament today threatened to block all legislation unless the state government abandoned planned gay rights laws .
13 Indeed , perhaps the principal occupational deformation in the written arts , the social sciences and in journalism is the belief that one 's particular profession holds the key to the meaning of social life .
14 The principle is that the bottom shot holds the float down almost to the sight-bob , then the rod is placed in two rests and the line is tightened until only the sight-bob remains above surface .
15 Certainly the ethos of an Augustinian priory with its stress on the expression of an inner religious faith in the active life of the community would have been sympathetic to the characteristic concern Hilton displays in his writing not just for professional religious but for all those , whether in active or enclosed life , who feel that their religious faith holds the secret of a dimension of fulfilment to which they desire access .
16 Although essentially a milk breed ( and the Finnish Ayrshire holds the world record of all breeds for lifetime butterfat production ) it can also produce a good beef steer or crossbred suckler cow .
17 Thus if the variable status holds the value REPLAY , the users ' actions will be interpreted as far as possible as involving the recall of a trail .
18 The positive feedback holds the output at while capacitor C charges through resistor R until the potential at the inverting input exceeds that , at the noninverting input when the positive feedback causes the output to be driven into negative saturation , .
19 Capacitor C now charges in the opposite sense while the positive feedback holds the output at until the potential at the inverting input falls below causing the circuit output to switch back into positive saturation .
20 The main square holds the three buildings of importance .
21 For such special knowledge holds the potential for an ethnographic interpretation of police culture which incorporates aspects of ‘ practical mastery ’ ( Bourdieu 1977 ) and to enlarge on what Kuper ( 1973 : 238 ) has somewhat critically dismissed as ‘ the prissy sterility of much of the methodological or reformist sociology ’ .
22 Kiefer Sutherland stars as Kevin Richter , an uncontrollable teenager whose hidden past holds the key to changing his life .
23 A well-fitted , four-bolt system holds the 21-fret neck in place .
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