Example sentences of "[noun pl] play [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But when the old crocks play the Old Bill , it 's more like Winchester Arthritic .
2 There is , in fact , a complex network of gene interactions , the product of one gene controlling the activity of others which involves an intimate relationship between nucleus and cytoplasm , because cytoplasmic signals play a crucial role in controlling transcription and thus determining whether genes are on or off .
3 Overall , he says he 'd like to see grammar schools play a greater role in the current debate about selection .
4 Images play a central part , constantly created and circulated by the mass media .
5 The mechanism functions only if fiscal considerations play a decisive role in location choice .
6 Pictures play an important part in desk-top publishing , business presentations and the like .
7 Eyes play an important part in the role of body balance and it is important to absorb as much information from the environment as possible .
8 The Comintern charged that " the Social Democratic Parties play a direct leading role " in preparing war against the USSR .
9 In fact , computers play a leading role in a great deal of cartoon production these days .
10 Tactics play a secondary role to board speed ; many a race is won by the sailor who is fast off the line and avoids dirty wind enough to use his speed advantage .
11 Tactics play a big part in cycle racing .
12 These glands are concentrated in the hairier parts of our bodies and the hairs play a vital part in smell production .
13 First , it is ( or should be ) well known that the peer review system is not infallible and , further , that the best journals openly acknowledge that editorial judgement on the importance of a paper and its estimated interest to readers play an important role in deciding which papers to publish and which to reject .
14 In countries where literacy rates are relatively high , books play an important part in the struggle for human rights .
15 In countries where literacy rates are relatively high , books play an important part in the struggle for human rights .
16 Most health education and health promotion campaigns are based on the assumptions that individual lifestyles play an important role in experiences of health and disease , and that individual behaviour can be influenced by some combination of information , emotional appeal and suggestions for change .
17 In some remoter villages mobile shops play an important role , but these rarely create jobs in these villages themselves .
18 The staff representatives here as at other levels of the machinery must be members of the signatories to the 1956 agreement , that is NUR , ASLEF and TSSA ; union branches play no formal part in the LDCs , but in practice there are often close informal ties and overlapping membership ( Edwards and Lloyd 1981 ) .
19 In special welfare services for the aged , voluntary organizations play a prominent part .
20 These circumstances play a major role in determining the variety of rearing systems found in nature .
21 These K circumstances play an important ecological role in influencing the evolution of advanced social behaviour .
22 The relationship between cause and effect in mental illness is complex , but social and economic circumstances play an important role in both precipitating and prolonging difficulties .
23 The witches play a vital part in a touring production of Roald Dahl 's classic book .
24 Senior Officers and Flag Officers have considerable official entertaining responsibilities and stewards play a key role at such functions .
25 Housing associations play a big part a cross the programme .
26 The other way , in which local authorities and housing associations play a larger part , is known as the ‘ community approach . ’
27 But here the descriptions play an important role , and serious students would do well to read them carefully ; for not only do they tell more than any photograph ever can , including technical details of construction , but , when studied with the photographs , or in front of the objects themselves , they are invaluable in helping to focus on the many significant details which might otherwise go unnoticed .
28 In so far as top businessmen play a decisive role in company strategy — as distinct from its public presentation — the talents they need will vary from one situation to another .
29 Telecommunications play a crucial role in information technology .
30 None of us can doubt the economic plight of many of the countries where our mission partners work but the relationship of people is every bit as important and visits play a large part in that .
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