Example sentences of "[noun pl] suggest that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 All the signs suggest that Christie can now reign in Spain — and burst from his blocks at 8 o'clock tonight to become the man who steps into Lewis ’ golden shoes .
2 English authorities suggest that damages are recoverable for breaches of the EC competition rules .
3 These cases suggest that animals can form cognitive maps .
4 Swindon police would like to see a day when just a handful of officers turn out on match day , but their undercover operations suggest that day is a long way away .
5 Peter Holman 's exemplary notes suggest that Jenkins composed these works in his 20s or 30s , but the quality of the music seem to belie that generally accepted claim : it is difficult to imagine such depth of repose in so young a man — though that in turn gives the modern listener a clue as to why Jenkins was such a respected and well-loved figure in his day .
6 Work done by J. Walter Thompson in the sixties , and some more recent experimental work by a number of researchers suggest that attention does vary by programme type , and 24-hour commercial recall actually varies by individual programme .
7 The researchers suggest that victims would benefit from knowing that these effects are common and should discuss their feelings openly with colleagues or medical staff .
8 Some researchers suggest that hazards ( and emergencies that might result ) can be regarded as either natural or technological .
9 The pollen frequencies suggest that woodlands of birch , hazel , oak , and alder were locally abundant with some elm , ash , and willow .
10 Projections suggest that FUNCINPEC will have 57 seats in Cambodia 's constituent assembly , against the CPP 's 52 , with minor parties picking up the remaining 11 seats .
11 Increasing cultural complexities suggest that Lodge 's image of the crossroads might even be brought up to date — and given , appropriately , a faintly foreign flavour — by the possibility of post-imperial Britain becoming increasingly a sort of spaghetti junction , heterogeneous styles and registers meeting , intertwining , competing or coalescing .
12 Protagonists of second homes suggest that outsiders are actually saving homes for which there is no local demand , preventing dereliction , paying rates that would otherwise go unpaid and supporting local shops , services and craftsmen ( albeit seasonally ) .
13 A PIONEERING study into why so many young men are unsafe drivers suggest that driver training should focus on attitudes and relationships as well as mechanics .
14 The first part of our proposal , therefore , is that information in the mental model is used rather indiscriminately as part of the context for the interpretation of the current clause — even when linguistic considerations suggest that discrimination is in order .
15 However , short-run political considerations suggest that point 3 will be the outcome .
16 That the number of town dwellers grew and that such a large proportion of output could be made over to the ruling class without permanent and chronic nationwide famine or substantial evidence of huge tax arrears suggest that peasants continued to produce well above subsistence level .
17 The results of items on pupils ' knowledge of shapes suggest that pupils judge shape on general appearance rather than on the geometrical properties which define them .
18 His words suggest that Twain 's book brought back Eliot 's childhood not merely by functioning as an aide-mémoire .
19 Firstly , the authors suggest that hepatitis B virus can be transmitted through blood contamination of intact skin , although there is no evidence for this .
20 The authors suggest that patients with high neuroticism scores require intensive early treatment to avoid chronic symptoms .
21 Most authors suggest that ambiguity remaining after initial lexical processing would be reduced by applying higher level context , such as syntax and semantics .
22 The lagged dependent variables suggest that adjustment costs are of importance whilst the presence of lagged determinants of the desired stock suggests that there is more in the data than a simple first-order partial adjustment model might permit .
23 Our earlier studies of fluid transport during various physiological and pathophysiological circumstances suggest that variations of fluid transport are mainly caused by changes in fluid secretion from the crypts .
24 These models suggest that women 's and men 's subjectivities stem from female and male animals , universally different interests , in protecting their genetic investments and spreading their genes widely , respectively .
25 It is surprising that the laminations were preserved at all : conventional models suggest that bioturbation caused by the benthic sediment community will disrupt such laminations unless there is insufficient oxygen in the water to support the biological activity .
26 The substantial differences in seroprevalence of toxoplasma IgG between women born in different countries suggest that women from countries with high prevalence of toxoplasmosis were infected before immigration to Britain .
27 Mineral and chemical analyses suggest that porosity in the mud is 2–10 times greater than in the concretion , so we have multiplied the PLFA values measured in the latter by those factors ( all other measures are relative ) to allow comparison of microbial activities .
28 Further analyses suggest that exposure to both factors is required for bed sharing to be associated with a raised risk of sudden infant death syndrome ( unpublished results ) .
29 Earlier — and still persuasive — analyses suggest that fertility decline was precipitated by a crisis in the ability to maintain rising standards of living ( Banks 1954 ) .
30 If correct , such criticisms suggest that Hayek , although circumventing the criticisms of classical liberalism , fails to maintain a coherent position .
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