Example sentences of "[noun pl] drawn [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Central Asia 's ethnically based republics were invented after the 1917 revolution , their artificial borders drawn up in the 1920s and 1930s , leaving thousands of Uzbeks , Kirgiz , Kazakhs and others in the ‘ wrong ’ republic .
2 Local guidelines drawn up in accordance with Working Together govern the circumstances in which a conference may be convened and who may attend .
3 John asked , lips drawn back in a sarcastic sneer .
4 For a long time he remained motionless like this , his body arched backward , his teeth clenched , his lips drawn back in a silent rictus of ecstatic agony .
5 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
6 To his list we could add attorneys and even local receivers of taxes , six of whom appear in a list of country bankers drawn up in 1784 .
7 The process begun under Edward I was continued in July 1333 when , at Halidon Hill , outside Berwick , the English showed that they had learned to coordinate the use of ‘ traditional ’ cavalry with the ‘ new ’ archer force , the combination on this occasion being that of archers and dismounted men-at-arms drawn up in a defensive position which showed what successes a measure of flexibility could bring to an army led by men willing to experiment .
8 There are at least 36 million people to be won for Christ , but where are the plans drawn up in response to the challenge and opportunity ?
9 Proposals drawn up in 1990 were unsuccessful but other plans are being prepared .
10 In the protracted negotiations at Munster in 1645 – 48 the French representatives had their credentials drawn up in French and always used their own language in discussion .
11 Blinds drawn down in the heat of the day had made an oasis of quiet shadow , a source of energy that could be drawn on now like a pool of pure water guarded from the dust of the track .
12 Those nerve-racking hours , with the armies drawn up in battle array in sight of each other , can hardly have been the best of times for a calm discussion of the problem of the succession .
13 The various African charters on human rights drawn up in recent years have all failed to capture the importance of the right to communicate and the right of free expression , according to a group of leading communicators who met in Cairo , Egypt , 16–17 October .
14 The various African charters on human rights drawn up in recent years have all failed to capture the importance of the right to communicate and the right of free expression , according to a group of leading communicators who met in Cairo , Egypt , 16–17 October .
15 The principles underlying course development were established in a set of aims drawn up in 1972 and reaffirmed by the Modular Course Committee ( MCC ) in 1978 and 1983 .
16 The secondary school regulations drawn up in 1904 stipulated that " not less than 4½ hours per week must be allotted to English , Geography and History " .
17 More formal was the Privy Seal office , where King or Council had their administrative orders drawn up in traditional and , if necessary , legal language , and authenticated by the older and more important Privy Seal .
18 Late in 1913 he wrote on a more factual note : ‘ Futurism is not without importance , and its manifestos drawn up in France have had an influence on the terminology which is employed today amongst the most advanced painters . ’
19 In his uniform and riding-boots he now took the salute in the style of Hitler or Mussolini from an open car and inspected the detachments of his uniformed men drawn up in Hyde Park or near Tower Green .
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