Example sentences of "[noun pl] ' rights [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It is reasonably clear on the authorities that where a statutory tribunal has been set up to decide final questions affecting parties ' rights and duties , if the statute is silent upon the question , the courts will imply into the statutory provision a rule that the principles of natural justice should be applied .
2 As with the charter party and short form ocean bill of lading , many of the parties ' rights and duties under the GCBS waybill are dealt with in another document or set of trade rules .
3 Article 3 provides that a contract term which has not been individually negotiated shall be regarded as unfair if , contrary to the requirements of good faith , it causes significant imbalance in the parties ' rights and obligations arising under the contract , to the detriment of the consumer .
4 The application of such legal rules as those concerned with implied terms and frustration will often be uncertain , creating scope for disputes as to the extent of the parties ' rights and liabilities , costing valuable time and money .
5 The first , which deals with VAT traders , explains traders ' rights and Customs ' responsibilities ; the quality of service that traders can expect ; what happens during visits ; what to do if a trader disagrees with or complains about the way they have been treated ; and how Customs will publish results .
6 The environment is not just about animals ' rights or aesthetics .
7 None the less , it is broadly speaking true that the Church had exalted the monarch in the tenth century , and abased him in the twelfth ; that the Church had taught obedience to him in the tenth century when ancient rights of resistance to a king who broke his subjects ' rights and liberties still flourished ; and that in the twelfth century Church and people exchanged ideas about the bases for the right of resistance .
8 The threat to choice and to the remaining independent brewers demands a strong and continuing Campaign that will fight for drinkers ' rights and challenge the might of the brewing giants .
9 Because parental involvement is such a key feature , teachers also need to know about parents ' rights and responsibilities under the legislation , in addition to those of the school and LEA .
10 The parents charter will enhance parental choice and strengthen parents ' rights and it will make far more information available to help parents to exercise those rights .
11 The governor 's thing is coming about quite useful tonight because we 've been talking about the law as regards governors and parents ' rights and what you 're supposed to ask parents
12 When professionals are trained in a philosophy of service which recognizes individuals ' rights and entitlements , individuals participate in their own care and treatment .
13 He proposed on June 22 that the four allies ' rights and responsibilities should be extended for a period of five years after unification , and that only then would Germany have the sovereign right to conclude international agreements such as a treaty of membership of NATO .
14 If a major feature of the Co-operative Commonwealth was to be the ownership and control by the workforce of the particular enterprise employing them , if , in other words , it was to comprehend authentic industrial democracy , then the abrogation in 1875 of the workers ' rights and privileges of the workers employed in factories producing goods for sale in co-operative retail stores was a misdirection of the Movement .
15 He is selling out the workers ' rights and , by doing so , the future of any United Kingdom Parliament .
16 Existing recruitment literature deals with employed persons within the workplace and the values of union organization when negotiating with the employer for proper wages , workers ' rights and benefits .
17 Britain had Europe 's poorest record in nursery education , child care and part time workers ' rights and the position was worsened when Britain refused to sign the EC social charter , he added .
18 This implies that when the balance is temporarily favourable to the working class , the demands that it espouses , whether or not they are in the interests of the dominant class , may be translated into state policy — for example , on social welfare ( see Gough 1979 ; Esping-Andersen and Korpi 1984 ) , workers ' rights and so on .
19 ‘ Behind Bars ’ at the new , huge , non-profit Threadwaxing Space on Broadway is not as you might suspect a show of political art about prisoners ' rights or even about the exotic lives of cocktail waitresses but rather about the stripe in art .
20 Nozick argues that any more extensive state , such as one which seeks justice through redistribution or prohibits certain activities for people 's own good , will violate persons ' rights and is morally unjustified .
21 Having lived with it for 19 months , John Dyer , an unlikely champion of investors ' rights and one of the few ‘ fortunates ’ not hit hard by the collapse , was fulsome in his praise for BCIG 's supporters .
22 Consequently , Jessop argues , the extension of the welfare state had no effects on deprivation but rather encouraged the politicisation of various groups in urban areas , for example squatters , tenants ' rights and welfare rights groups .
23 Self-help groups have also been started by carers themselves , many of which form a strong platform to campaign for improvements in health facilities , patients ' rights and benefits , public awareness and funds for research .
24 The system must operate so as to protect patients ' rights and ensure their civil liberties are not denied them
25 In spite of this , MIND ( the National Association for Mental Health ) is one of the most effective campaigning and advocacy organizations in Britain and was largely instrumental in achieving the refinements in the law which enhance patients ' rights and are embodied in the Mental Health Act of 1983 .
26 The next step is to safeguard these changes by formalizing patients ' rights and encouraging the development of self-advocacy movements .
27 There was no question of the principle of a universal state benefit to supplement the incomes of families with children being abandoned ; what was at issue was consistency within the scheme , as opposed to the maintenance of mothers ' rights and minimal independence .
28 The Court accepted that the agreement did not formulate precisely the inhabitants ' rights but thought them sufficiently precise for judicial enforcement .
29 A new agenda , centred on citizens ' rights and democratic reform , selective government intervention , environmental protection and a more positive role in Europe would provide the basis for a new progressive majority .
30 Ensuring citizens ' rights and opportunities
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