Example sentences of "[noun pl] so far [conj] " in BNC.

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1 All except Lord Diplock ( and in this he positively disagreed ) held that the GLC had to have regard , when making a grant , to the LTE 's obligation to run its operations so far as practicable , on a break-even basis ; so the GLC could make grants to the LTE only to make good unavoidable losses and not to further a particular social policy .
2 We are , as ever , delighted with the responses we 've had from artists so far and we are currently working with a superb international line-up which includes Alexei Sayle , Spinal Tap ( reforming specially for the show ) , Spitting Image , Julian Clary , Dave Stewart ( performing a specially composed number ) , Jason Donovan ( duetting with Kim Wilde ) , Tom Jones , Roger Daltrey ( with The Chieftains ) , Lisa Stansfield , EMF , Seal , Beverley Craven , Midge Ure , Mica Paris , and , as they say , many many , many more .
3 The statutory scheme for bankruptcy is to be found in the Insolvency Act 1986 and the Insolvency Rules 1986 and has the following main objectives : ( 1 ) to enable the bankrupt 's affairs and dealings to be investigated under the control of the court ; ( 2 ) to provide the statutory machinery for the collection and rateable distribution of the bankrupt 's available assets ( or those assets which ought to form part of his estate ) with a view to satisfying his debts so far as may be practicable ; ( 3 ) to rehabilitate the bankrupt through the process of discharge .
4 The important words so far as this appeal is concerned are the words ‘ any enactment or rule of law … restricting the right of any other person to recover possession of the premises . ’
5 The passing of the Victorian age , significant in so many spheres , brought no great change in this area ; there is no magic in the divide between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries so far as the scope of judicial review is concerned .
6 About 300 metres of each , I 've torn to make the covers so far but I 'm still doing it because each one has to be the right size and colour-coded by room .
7 The intention is thus to narrow the matters in dispute between the parties so far as possible and , in theory at least , to give both parties advance notice of what the other case is .
8 ‘ None of the calls have hit me between the eyes so far as the vital piece of information , but I 'm still hopeful that what we need may be in there , ’ he said .
9 In freezing temperatures and light snowfall , the enthusiastic and emotional crowd in Sofia heard Bulgaria 's most radical demands so far and called for the ousted leader , Mr Todor Zhivkov , to stand trial for fraud and mismanagement .
10 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
11 Their partnership has yielded 14 goals so far and looks capable of keeping Villa in the forefront of the Premier Division title race .
12 The 24-year-old has claimed all three Blades goals so far and is out on his own as the leading candidate for Lineker 's shirt , according to team-mate Ian Bryson .
13 This is , of course , a time of smokescreens so far as the Masters is concerned and to hear some of the Europeans talk over the last few days , they appear to be in need of the psychiatrist 's couch as much as anything .
14 These were cant phrases so far as he was concerned and they missed the point .
15 ‘ Relevant time ’ is defined in similar terms to those applicable to companies so far as preferences are concerned , but a more extended period , of five years , is provided for transactions at an undervalue .
16 This makes little difference to the behaviour of the companies so far as the production of policies and their conduct of business are concerned , but it does impose further constraints on the marketing of what are now clearly seen as forms of saving .
17 This Fact Sheet will be followed by a series of Briefing Papers for MPs , which will go beyond the facts to a description of the types of arguments that have been employed by researchers to study the causes of unemployment , including the possible effects so far as they are known of various remedies that have been proposed .
18 ( b ) On the other hand the courts will not carry a literal construction of the articles so far as to defeat their obvious purpose .
19 I accept completely what the honourable member for erm Truro Truro actually said in his speech just er that he just made , absolutely right that the cultural and the geographical identity of people matters so far as the European parliament is concerned and in respect of our responsibility , the responsibility of this house to citizens of Gibraltar .
20 According to the Theory of Relativity , time passes more slowly for objects moving very swiftly ; thus a spacecraft moving at close to the speed of light would take more than 100,000 years to cross our Galaxy , as observed by the rest of us , but only a few years so far as its crew were concerned .
21 I I 've been coming here for forty years so far and and provocative statement I think in your programme this Autumn is the best that you 've had for years it 's a very good combination of classical and and modern plays and I really congratulate you on this programme and I would like to see that standard maintained .
22 Since the Second World War many laws of war treaties have had important implications so far as nuclear weapons are concerned .
23 It seems to me that they all have implications so far as people 's lives are concerned — their activities , their rewarding work , in a sense .
24 The new economic climate of the late sixteenth century brought advantages and disadvantages so far as the funeral was concerned .
25 Since Leopold ruled a small State and had neither fears nor ambitions so far as territorial changes were concerned ( he wished to establish the perpetual neutrality of the Grand Duchy as a tradition of European diplomacy , to give it more or less the status which Switzerland was to enjoy in the following century ) he was able to accept radical ideas and even try to realize them in practice in a way quite impossible to Frederick II or Catherine II .
26 I went after the money with money borrowed from legit sources so far as I could : you know , against property , against insurance policies .
27 If more output is obtained from the same manpower — which it is here contended could and should happen — then the allocation of resources so far as manpower is concerned will be unaffected .
28 One of our Committee members , the Rev. Ray Arnold , gave a short address and dedication , saying that enterprises like this one can so easily be a flash in the pan , but this one has surmounted its problems so far and achieved much .
29 The courses have cost Zeneca a hundred thousand pounds so far but the company believes to ignore the problem , particularly at executive level , would be costlier still .
30 In much the same vein , one LEA considered recently a draft of a newsletter to parents outlining the implication of those rights so far as a child 's education in their early years was concerned .
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