Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pron] tried " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , parents generally must welcome the news that cuddling is not only nice but necessary ; perhaps , however , we should spare a compassionate thought once more for the intellectual mothers of the thirties , whose sufferings as they tried to be ‘ good ’ mothers are now repeated in the knowledge that all their efforts only led them to be ‘ bad ’ mothers : as one of our correspondents added , ‘ Here is Bowlby , still out to make us feel guilty — about our rejection of the children we loved but were not allowed to love . ’
2 Charlie laughed for the first time since he had left Whitechapel and strolled over to a youth far smaller than himself who was rubbing his hands between his legs as he tried to keep warm .
3 There were tears in the girls ' eyes as they tried to smile back .
4 She had tears in her eyes as she tried to recover from the laughter .
5 Perhaps it was her soft , drawling voice or the fact that , no matter how interesting the topic of your conversation , you would inevitably see her smothering amiable yawns as you talked ; you would see the muscles of her jaw tighten and the tears start from her eyes as she tried to repress them .
6 Pursing her lips thoughtfully , she half closed her eyes as she tried to visualise how it might look .
7 Trent wiped the rain from his eyes as he tried to calculate speed and distance against the drift of the Zodiac .
8 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
9 Behind him the dragon roared and crashed through the bushes as it tried to turn around , but Hrun was running , running , with his gaze fixed on Liartes and a dead branch in his hands .
10 Their long campaign for his release was courageous and relentless ; it also almost wrecked their personal lives as they tried to cope with the glare of the world 's media and the frustrations of clandestine diplomacy .
11 And , since you asked , she once went for a policeman with her stilettoes as he tried to bundle a black man into a car outside a dance hall on the bottom of the Tottenham Court Road ( derogatory remarks in that department were still more likely to earn a black eye than a black look in The Bar ) .
12 as if things were not bad enough without those little bastards turning up to torment us , ’ remarked one of the medics as he tried to pack a shell dressing into a large abdominal wound .
13 Later he would travel to France and England , where he met with more senior BCCI officials as he tried to make arrangements to launder millions of dollars a month .
14 A CROWD of people fought with police officers as they tried to stop a council bailiff taking a car to pay for an outstanding poll tax bill , a court was told yesterday .
15 A WOULD-BE Royal Marine hit out at police officers as they tried to arrest him , a court heard .
16 It was already nightfall when Whitlock crossed the Heuss Bridge over the Rhine and turned the Golf Corbio into Rampenstrasse , his eyes screwed up behind his tinted glasses as he tried to distinguish the numbers , many of them faded and indistinct , on the rows of warehouses lining the river bank .
17 Arty 's voice thickened and blurred into animal grunts as he tried to speak and extend his tongue at the same time .
18 It landed on the floor where it lay on its back , its numerous legs doing cycling motions as it tried to right itself .
19 Ace had found herself inventing new techniques as she tried to use the shuttle 's processors to hack into the station 's maintenance systems , but there had been no indication that the station had even been receiving her signals .
20 Essentially , they were trying to examine the progress , or indeed lack of progress , of the immigrant newcomers as they tried to settle into this physical and social landscape .
21 They were hooting and flapping their great woolly arms as they tried to climb on to a private jetty .
22 Neighbours said she had Christopher in her arms as she tried to open the first-floor window .
23 She moistened her lips , wishing there was some way she could avoid his shrewd gaze , but his hands caught at her arms as she tried to turn away .
24 At one point , Dr Stroud had been reduced to tears as he tried to pull his gloves over his frost-bitten fingers .
25 Frantically negotiating the traffic , Sandra choked back tears as she tried to answer her daughter 's question .
26 But , in a sinister turn of events , firemen were stoned by gangs of youths as they tried to deal with several out-of-control bonfires on Merseyside .
27 Wishart rubbed his hands together , cracking his knuckles as he tried to control his anger .
28 Jacqueline , naked as a fish , ran screaming with delight from room to room , slithering out of her sisters ' hands as they tried to catch her .
29 He was in a rosy mood , kicking his legs and grabbing at her hands as she tried to get the material firmly round his podgy middle .
30 As soon as de Warenne had left , Edward put his face in his hands as he tried to control both his anger and his terror .
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