Example sentences of "[noun pl] as [pron] walked " in BNC.

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1 The three women were silent as Alice went down the front steps , her white lace dress foaming around her legs as she walked .
2 Tiny clouds swirled about his legs as he walked .
3 I , Jessel , saw the heaviness in his legs as he walked up the lane .
4 She followed him with her eyes as he walked with Emmie to the gate , very neat and spruce in the white Terylene shirt and blue shorts she had bought for him at Harrods .
5 Charlotte followed obediently at his heels as they walked through a district of narrow , dirty streets .
6 A couple of men waved white handkerchief frantically above their heads as they walked gingerly to where other forms were lying , deadly still .
7 With enough computational skill , a contoured ‘ stained-glass ’ window in a church , say , could show a whole sequence of devotional images as someone walked down the aisle towards it .
8 ‘ You 're not fucking likely to get that ! were Sid 's last words as he walked off in the direction of the latrine .
9 Jacques Devraux and half-a-dozen Moi trackers were waiting beside the narrow river that flowed past the camp , and the senator put his arm lightly around his son 's shoulders as they walked over to join them .
10 Somehow the pins in her hair always seemed to escape when she lost her temper and the dark tresses whirled round her shoulders as she walked up and down Oswin 's bedroom .
11 It was lively as usual , the mishmash of pop music blaring through loudspeakers as he walked among the crowd , mostly young people on the look-out for instant fun and excitement in an otherwise dreary world .
12 The girl was grabbed from behind and dragged into bushes as she walked through an estate in Milton Keynes , Bucks .
13 ‘ Lord , our Mass is over , ’ the choir sang in sweet , lilting voices as everyone walked down the hill into town once more .
14 Even in the twenty minutes it had taken to get some nourishment , the light had faded and the dull day was darkening into a cold night ; the beginnings of a frost crackled under their feet as they walked briskly along the embankment .
15 The wet ground pulled at our feet as we walked .
16 In my child 's brain he crashed at my feet as I walked through a strange city .
17 He was weak and found it difficult to pick up his feet as he walked .
18 The ground was already thick with frost which crunched beneath his feet as he walked .
19 The place was obviously an informal car park , the grass worn away and dust stirring beneath her feet as she walked .
20 looked down at her feet as she walked , finally admitted , a little ashamedly , that it was all true ; " I was wild , " she agreed in her slow , low voice , nodding , Graham felt a sort of ache then , as he had when Slater first told him ; he wanted to have known her then , to have been a part of her life during that time .
21 The whole corridor had a black patina that stuck to the soles of her shoes as she walked on it , cigarettes smeared in spilt liquor with the occasional squashed sandwich mashed in .
22 Sometimes they journeyed alone , sometimes in groups , singing psalms as they walked .
23 As the pair reached the bottom he saw that she was , as Eleanor had said , very thin , but he noticed the same rhythm in her movements as she walked across the cove .
24 Little muscles twitched beneath Anthea 's shoulder blades as she walked across the hall towards the lecture room .
25 The smile swept her face and she patted his hand , and then she had spun on her heel and the swing was in her hips as she walked away into the hurrying crowds .
26 Barefoot , she moved with the natural sinuousness of her race , and looking beyond her , Loc saw Jacques Devraux lift his eyes momentarily from his plate to follow the swaying movement of her hips as she walked away from the table .
27 Dinah closed her eyes for an instant , letting the long lashes lie on her cheeks as she walked .
28 He heard the lamentations and cries as he walked through the Galilee Gate , and hurried around to the main entrance where a distraught Lady Amelia was being supported by the two Sub-prioresses , their own cheeks wet with tears .
29 All were transfixed by this group of laughing and exultant lesbians as they walked resolutely towards the rocky promontory stripping off their clothes with Amazonian brazenness .
30 Bronze griffins and gilded chimera stood guard outside the palace doors , and life-sized stone mandarins appeared silently among the scented trees as they walked .
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