Example sentences of "[noun pl] at a distance " in BNC.

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1 A few years ago she might have found this impossible , the old London County Council preferring to keep its heads of schools at a distance without a telephone .
2 If it is at all possible a teacher should preview the place to be visited , though this may not always be possible with places at a distance .
3 Schoolboy heroes usually keep their worshippers at a distance . ’
4 But while the telephone itself remains little more than an instrument for reproducing speech and other sounds at a distance , over the last decade we have seen dramatic growth in the availability and use of computers , modems and fax to transmit documentary and computerised information over the telephone network .
5 We only call dolphins when we need help in a rough sea , or we are in difficulty or if there is something we would like to know about relatives at a distance over the ocean .
6 Ports at a distance from the Tunnel , whether dealing principally in passenger or freight traffic , are unlikely to suffer much loss of business after 1993 .
7 Next we shall determine the mutual inductance between two concentric rings at a distance h apart ( Fig. 3.17 , p. 82 ) under the assumption that the upper ring is small .
8 There was also no difference in gap junction frequency between biopsy specimens from the ulcer margin and those from grossly normal regions at a distance from the ulcer .
9 The white frost lay on the broad lawn , on the many-formed leaves of the evergreens , and on the giant trees at a distance .
10 Colonies are easily detected by females at a distance , especially in species where advertisement displays on the many nests are given in synchrony to produce a vivid tree-sized orchestration of sound and movement .
11 There are also ways of developing friends at a distance , like penfriends , for example .
12 The attitude of kindness should become habitual and develop into the ‘ I and Thou ’ relationship of Buber 's existential philosophy ; so that the subject and object can join in a transcendent meeting , defeating the isolation of the usual you and me relationship which contains no warmth and is a mere hailing as of two ships at a distance from one another .
13 How did the king administer his territories at a distance ?
14 Philosophers , and especially philosophers of art , who say that visual perception involves something two-dimensional usually go on to say that it involves something else , a judgement whereby we get from the two-dimensional to the three-dimensional , the world of solid objects at a distance from the perceiver .
15 This was partly induced or caused by the development of courts at a distance from the curia but directly under the pope .
16 He was subjected to threats and abuse and believing himself in danger of attack , drew a pistol in order to keep his opponents at a distance .
17 Parasites , too , do n't have to live inside their hosts ; their genes can express themselves in hosts at a distance .
18 These provide an opportunity for the tutor and the students to respond to each other and to discuss problems in a way which is not possible with the normal marking of test papers at a distance .
19 However , many have taste receptors on their mouthparts or feet , to identify the food they land on , while they find their food by detecting chemicals at a distance — the sense which we call smell .
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