Example sentences of "[noun pl] at [art] later " in BNC.

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1 Treu [ 15 ] considered the existence of trails through bibliographic citations and thought they should be preserved for a searcher to retrace his steps at a later date .
2 The audit is essentially aimed at identifying and rectifying procedural flaws , and not at the individual 's performance , although realistically this may feature when considering efficiency aspects at a later stage .
3 This may require some kind of additional structure ( at least temporarily ) whilst the system is on-line , until the trie can be re-built with the new words at a later stage .
4 Maturities are designed to take out anticipated shortages at a later date and therefore maturities differ from the standard 91 days .
5 The lawyer 's time will add to costs and is unlikely to result in time savings at a later stage .
6 It is all too easy to get foreign bodies into the pipe , which will wreak havoc with pumps and valves at a later date . , .
7 Indeed , given a campaign by Wulfhere as far as the coast , it is difficult to see how the whole extent of the northern territory of the western Saxons from Berkshire to Somerset could have escaped Mercian pressure in these years , creating perhaps precedents for further Mercian involvement in these districts at a later time .
8 If the new system is a success it will be adopted on other sites at a later date .
9 The new dispenser system is set to be phased in on other BNFL sites at a later date .
10 He concluded with the Bakufu a convention opening Hakodate ( in Hokkaido ) and Shimoda as ports of refuge , permitting sailors to be returned and the appointment of consuls at a later date .
11 They feared further repercussions at a later date because their participation in the boycott would almost certainly go into their files .
12 So the latter can have important repercussions at a later stage .
13 In addition , poinding of assets can take place and a warrant sale can be carried out to realise those effects at a later date .
14 Provision would be made for the possible transfer of other functions at a later date , ( e.g. The assessments of means , decisions on the grant of criminal legal aid , and at least some of the determinations of bills now carried out in the courts ) .
15 Practice varies , and it is good practice to find out from the beginning in order to avoid unpleasant surprises at a later date .
16 The expression ‘ cased in the unfeeling armour of old time ’ exactly represents the impression Wordsworth made on certain observers at a later date ( see Chapter I , p. 42 ) .
17 In order to do this , we classify the adverts into types " aimed at women " and " aimed at men " ( we could instead have classified them as " television " versus " magazine " or " Italian " versus " British " , etc. ; and if our first attempt to classify gets us nowhere we might try one or more of these alternatives at a later stage ) .
18 We are not saying that taxpayers should not be able to claw back some of the costs at a later stage , but the carer 's position should be protected .
19 Design changes at a later stage , affecting this decision , will provide not only an indication of what components need to be changed but also a visual indication of the resulting effect on supporting components .
20 If this definition changes at a later date it will be notified to you .
21 The five surviving freeholders included the dean of Windsor , Robert Dormer of Wing , who was one of the richest landowners in the county , and a lady who was principal proprietor of the hamlet of Horton in Ivinghoe , not the kind of tenants to yield to pressure to sell out , if pressure there was : most of the small landed families of 1522 were still there as customary tenants at the later date .
22 If a large number survive — hundreds , possibly , in a wide-body jet — a pro forma is used initially , with the investigator interviewing those who make particularly significant observations at a later stage .
23 I think if the committee did that then we 'd be back to what five or six years ago , when a whole afternoon was spent on that and I would n't commend that to you , but can we perhaps have a word with the officers at a later stage , take it on board what both Graham and Anne have been saying , and obviously not trying to do that in a meeting like this but try to prepare for it a month before-hand .
24 Again , this all helps with cementing the initial relationship and if the first impression is a good one , the practitioner is off to a flying start , which could help if there are difficulties at a later stage with the transaction .
25 First , unnecessary detail should be excised , leaving member countries to negotiate implementation of the charter 's broad principles at a later stage .
26 Trying to introduce solids at a later age is often extremely difficult as the child has not learned how to chew and manage solid food .
27 It is possible that re-examination of these patients at a later date when any persisting antral gastritis has resolved may indicate that fasting gastrin consists entirely of G34 .
28 It is important to number all of the items in the minutes so that it is easy to refer to particular items at a later date .
29 It is not difficult after that to learn your list of key words ; you can always fill in your own sentences at a later date .
30 If your frequent flyer brochures would outwit a genius , fix them … and worry about the logo that you put on your tailfins at a later date .
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