Example sentences of "[noun pl] at [art] appropriate " in BNC.

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1 Aboriginal sacred sites appear to conform to this principle ; each tribe being responsible for its own section of line , visiting the sites at the appropriate season and performing traditional rituals and chants .
2 Again , the translation function is generated by identifying both movements at the appropriate pin point on the crank PARTC .
3 Check that it 's level , then connect the cable cores at the appropriate terminals , and screw the faceplate to the box .
4 But we actually talked about things at an appropriate level .
5 Make contact with officers at the appropriate levels within the organisation
6 Insert pin hooks at the appropriate depth into the back of each pleat , taking care not to break the thread , and at each side of the curtain .
7 I am happy to have debates at the appropriate time .
8 Centrally-devised Higher National Units will incorporate lead body standards at an appropriate level .
9 Some of the Indian princes had private stations , and in China special stations were even built so that the Emperor could visit the western tombs at the appropriate time of the year .
10 This allows for special needs children to continue to receive specialist medical and/or educational help while also enabling them to integrate with mainstream children at an appropriate level .
11 The progress towards our erm , compliance with our ethical investment policy though , has been achieved while considering the need to secure the best returns possible on our investment , and we have done it through a series of progressive sales of investments at the appropriate times according to the market conditions , and so I 'm happy to say that we have been able to achieve both our responsibilities as trustees , our responsibility both to secure the best return on investment and , to consider wider policy implications of our investment policy .
12 ‘ Nevertheless the fact remains that disciplinary action against officials who may have exceeded their duties or wilfully abused the position of responsibility with which they have been entrusted is a purely internal matter which will be carried out , should the situation warrant it , by the appropriate authorities at the appropriate time .
13 Operation is dependent on using the correct chemical products at the appropriate dilutions in the correct sequence with correct temperatures and a flow rate that will ensure maximum turbulence .
14 This meant performing a given set of rituals at the appropriate times .
15 Whether they be in mixed ability , banded , streamed or set groups , the teacher must cater for each pupil 's progress by providing tasks at the appropriate levels .
16 This should enable prosecutors to strike bargains at an appropriate penalty level .
17 The main summits each have a blue plaque attached to the railings at an appropriate point , so that as you walk the pavement , head turned to the south , you can put a name to your favourite mountain .
18 All he does is press the record and stop buttons at the appropriate times .
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