Example sentences of "[noun pl] on the table " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Ere 's yer bloody five pounds , ’ he said , throwing five gold sovereigns on the table .
2 The curtains were still pulled and he placed one of the packages of groceries on the table , holding the other to his side as he went across the room and whipped back the heavy green curtains .
3 He dumped a bag of groceries on the table .
4 My eyes on the table until I wake up .
5 After lunch there was always an interval during which the men remained seated , perhaps leaning their heads on the table for a pisolino , a nap — exhausted after all the eating , drinking and argument .
6 Among the presents on the table , personally addressed to him , were boxes of cigars from Goebbels and from Goering .
7 Lastly , he unpacked the cardboard box and arranged the tins and packets on the table .
8 Imagine you had been living on bread and water for three years and then someone put a large bowl of cherries on the table in front of you .
9 Elsie dumped a pile of peeled carrots on the table and began to chop .
10 Richard laid an armful of books on the table and strolled over to where Frank was sorting through a shelf .
11 Lucasta stared at the pile of library books on the table .
12 Luke put his books on the table where they toppled sideways against the milk bottle which tipped over and spilled milk across Flora 's music book .
13 The hundred books on the table in front of me are so many tongs that pinch out the nerve of independent thought … one can not go one 's own way independently enough " ; and , from 1868 , a sardonic dismissal of " the philologists of our time " for " their joy at capturing worms and their indifference to the true problems , the urgent problems of life " .
14 The bed looked neat , smooth and austere , and the books on the table beside it had dark sober covers and were obviously devotional books and anthologies of poetry .
15 There were two books on the table .
16 ‘ Studying ? ’ asked Irene , glancing at the books on the table .
17 MacAirth grimaced and drew shapes on the table with the spilled wine .
18 Ludens tiptoed into the kitchen and was amazed to see two mugs on the table with remnants of tea in them .
19 It was n't till he had put three mugs on the table that Willie realized that there was a third person in the room .
20 He put two earthenware mugs on the table and calmly took the pins from her hair .
21 ‘ It looks as if they were interrupted at their meal , ’ he remarked , righting the overturned stool and using it to indicate a soiled trencher and several dusty earthenware mugs on the table .
22 Students lie back in chairs with feet on the table or stretched towards the electric fire , and drift passively through the textbook .
23 Was it the blameless wonderfulness of God that forced Satan to go and live in the pit , where he could leave his things lying around and put his feet on the table ?
24 A detective constable was dozing by the telephone , his feet on the table .
25 Feet on the table and chair tilted , Kersey settled down to browse .
26 And then , leaning back in his chair , lounging like all the gentry seemed to do , as if they were permanently half asleep and just about to put their spurred and booted feet on the table , he 'd said , " If the new government won t play your way then you 'll have to stir it up a little , wo n't you ? "
27 He would n't be allowed to fart or pick his nose or put his feet on the table .
28 Maggie was stabbing her finger at the different plates on the table , and her aunt wagged her head and pursed her lips before she said , flatly , ‘ I 'm courting one of the airmen ; he comes to Donald 's farm . ’
29 He cut the pie and placed a slice on one of the earthenware plates on the table .
30 After throwing the plates on the table , she would rush out into the garden in an attempt to cool down .
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