Example sentences of "[noun pl] the whole time " in BNC.

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1 Sadly , the spirit of 1992 had not reached the denizens of Elveden Forest ; not one single person played boules the whole time I was there .
2 Rain objected that if that were the case publishers would be getting authors involved in sordid court cases the whole time .
3 Rather an odd place to camp , having to keep your eye on the tides the whole time . ’
4 But we 're not in each other 's pockets the whole time .
5 I guess it made a stimulating change for him not to be surrounded by fawners and flatterers the whole time .
6 He is not over fond of strangers , but he will allow people into the house , although he monitors their movements the whole time . ’
7 We were on our feet the whole time .
8 Finally when molecular motion increases to a sufficiently high level , all the chains behave like weak springs the whole time .
9 She stands squarely with her hands on her hips the whole time , beaming at Crilly and remarking often upon the colour of the sky .
10 He 'll be on tenterhooks the whole time , and muttering to the parents things like : ‘ A true eccentric , our Mr McWhirter , but a very fine scholar in his field . ’ ’
11 Of course , Dorcas thought , as a scientist and rational thinking nome I know we were n't really intended to live under floorboards the whole time .
12 I could not in the court of law swear that you had been under my observations the whole time we were making the ascent . ’
13 Our own bulk chemical businesses vary between some which are very good , because most of the competition has abandoned the field , and some which are very bad , because they are in areas which are attracting new entrants the whole time , and moreover , new entrants who are seeking to compete in either a slow-growing or non-growing market .
14 That 's why she cuddles my children the whole time — she 's trying to say I lack warmth . ’
15 Cooped up in the house like that — stinks of babies the whole time .
16 ‘ And these fellers used to go to sea like that ; and in these boats they were gone ten and twelve weeks , and they slept in little bunks , and they never changed their clothes the whole time .
17 ‘ I read somewhere of how Steve McQueen had been on drugs the whole time we were shooting Bullitt .
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