Example sentences of "[noun pl] and find [art] " in BNC.

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1 Do we chase the free range hens and find the eggs as best we can or do we put the hens into a battery ?
2 It would be better , they decided , to retrace their steps and find the door by which they had left .
3 Pleasure-seekers retire to the corners and find the privacy to enjoy their desired company . ’
4 You may be able to abandon the high mountains and find a small roadhead village but getting from there to the airport is likely to be an adventure in itself .
5 Sun streams into the upstairs room as I step gingerly through a maze of wires and find a corner to sit in amidst the jungle of electronic equipment .
6 I said i can go out and walk the streets for hours and find no one .
7 But that wo n't be any consolation on Christmas morning when my kids empty their stockings and find no trace of the Tracys .
8 If you 've set your heart on some specific feature — say , white carpet — and find it 's not feasible or practical or that it 's too expensive , then look sensibly at the alternatives and find a less impossible compromise .
9 A good time to examine the alternatives and find a new interest in life .
10 Challenging , go for these problems and find a way of solving it .
11 In fact , one of the main advantages of using IFAs is that they can hunt through the range of mortgage offers and find the best deal for you .
12 The Age of Discovery was launched by our greedy desire to bypass the traditional trading routes and find the source of spices for ourselves .
13 The second choice is to accept the sight-lines actually available in shared spaces and find a way to lower speeds .
14 Last , but by no means least , much still needs to be done to improve public attitudes and understanding , both to aid prevention of mental disorder , and to help the mentally handicapped overcome their disabilities and find a tolerable place in society .
15 In some cases it is appropriate to choose other rewards that are more motivating to children , like a surprise bag with little gifts in it into which children can place their hands and find a surprise .
16 Copy out these six numbers and find the next six that can not be made up by multiplication .
17 Then , choose from the range of Tonecall , Codecall and Wordcall pagers and find the rental or purchase package to suit you .
18 Then two of the girls , Alexandra Saunders and Karen Holt , their project was to be literary agents and find a publisher for it . ’
19 He is clearly doing his best to make Elaine 's life more bearable , to create the schemes and find the care assistants with the commitment needed to befriend her , on the funds available .
20 You have to collect old papers and find the special places where they swap them in return for new toilet paper .
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