Example sentences of "[noun pl] prepare [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 to help schools to prepare children for life in a society in which devices and systems based on microelectronics are commonplace and pervasive ;
2 As discussed earlier , this requires schools to prepare pupils for the ‘ experiences and opportunities of adult life ’ and to promote their spiritual , moral , cultural , mental and physical development .
3 American , other analysts noted , has had several months to prepare contingencies for a hostile takeover attempt , and probably has a restructuring deal of its own waiting in the wings .
4 For the first time during final assembly , individual workshops prepare sub-assemblies for one aspect of the car , i.e. driving position , engine and chassis , glazing , seats , bumpers etc .
5 There would seem to be a demand for short courses and classes to prepare adults for their intended course .
6 Although some lip-service is now being paid to the concept of rehabilitation within prisons , there was little evidence of serious efforts to prepare prisoners for life outside .
7 May I also take this opportunity to wish the new United Nations Secretary-General success in his efforts to prepare recommendations for improvement in the preventative diplomacy , peacemaking and peacekeeping capacities of the United Nations ?
8 Languages Services Manager , visited both Argentina and Uruguay last December to hold talks and workshops to aid teachers preparing candidates for LCCIEB written and oral Business English examinations .
9 It would appear that all teachers will be placed in a similar position to that of teachers preparing pupils for external examinations , in that they will have set objectives , or learning outcomes , to be achieved , but will be free to plan their lessons as they think fit — especially where the core subjects are concerned .
10 an ‘ adult needs ’ view focuses on communication outside the school : it emphasises the responsibility of English teachers to prepare children for the language demands of adult life , including the workplace , in a fast-changing world .
11 In this way , these courses prepare teachers for the responsibility of their own continuing professional education .
12 These courses prepare students for careers in the 1990s and beyond .
13 Both degrees prepare graduates for technical and managerial careers , by developing a sound knowledge of scientific principles , and their application to design , development and manufacture .
14 ‘ In some areas we have had to put on special courses to prepare students for A-level . ’
15 Tutorial colleges , sometimes known as ‘ crammers ’ , are privately run establishments offering intensive courses to prepare students for particular examinations , usually O or A levels .
16 A certificate of judgement is still required , but see r 27 enabling judgment creditors to prepare documents for the court .
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