Example sentences of "[noun pl] occur at a " in BNC.

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1 In a study undertaken over a two-week period , Tom Tadecki , research director of the International Coalition Against Violent Entertainment , found that more than 33 per cent of its programmes involved some form of aggression , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 10 per hour .
2 The figures for BBC 1 and BBC 2 were 10 per cent , with violent acts occurring at a rate of 2.5 per hour on BBC 1 , and two on BBC 2 .
3 The court heard one of the burglaries occurred at an old people 's home .
4 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
5 Using data for the Palaeozoic and Tertiary coals , it is found that the maximum rate of hydrocarbon generation for both coals occurs at a vitrinite reflectance of about 1% ( Figs. 10 and 11 ) .
6 If such subliminal presentations can be shown to influence processing of subsequent information in anxious subjects , it would strongly support the suggestion that anxiety-related biases occur at a very early stage of information processing .
7 In other areas where similar changes occurred at a slightly later date , the rise of mass material culture and retailing was the subject of some incisive commentary .
8 Lown and Wolf classified ventricular extrasystoles occurring at a rate of less than one per minute as isolated and of little prognostic significance , whereas those occurring at a rate of more than one per minute were more indicative of an unfavourable prognosis .
9 Other electrocardiographic abnormalities , in addition to ventricular extrasystoles occurring at a rate of more than 1/min , regarded as of ‘ sinister ’ importance — that is , markers of potentially serious complications are , ST segment increase or depression of more than 1 mm , supraventricular tachycardia ( three or more consecutive supraventricular extrasystoles at a rate of more than 130/min ) , second or third degree heart block , ventricular bigemini or trigemini , ventricular tachycardia , ventricular fibrillation or asystole .
10 The second measure of objective risk is that used by Watts and Quimby ( 1980 ) , the total number of accidents occurring at a junction divided by the average traffic flow at the junction .
11 General ‘ political economy ’ explanations must be correct in locating such developments within complex shifts in the production process , industrial infrastructure , and labour force requirements occurring at a particular stage of advanced industrialization — though much work needs to be done to define these shifts more precisely .
12 The reason for this is to prevent additional symptoms occurring at a time when you might be suffering from PMT .
13 Rhyming letters occurred at a frequency of 1 in 6 .
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