Example sentences of "[noun pl] continue [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is widely believed that the conservatism of the farm worker and his attachment to traditional styles obliged manufacturers to continue to produce the same wide range of designs as had been produced by local smiths in the pre-industrial period .
2 Although the latter cases are probably a diminishing minority , especially now that budgetary delegation under LMS has made it essential that heads in their turn delegate a greater proportion of their managerial functions to senior staff , our studies indicate a more general need for primary schools to continue to review the role of deputy headship , to define more exactly the range of tasks it is appropriate for someone at that level of seniority to undertake , and to ensure that all deputy heads have appropriate job specifications .
3 She has to look for new friends amongst the ranks of the unattached like herself ; and until she has recovered sufficiently to become interested in organising her social life to the best advantage , her opportunities to continue to enjoy the pleasures of mixed company may be very limited .
4 Many grown-up people feel obliged by such considerations to continue to acknowledge the authority of their parents over them .
5 The Women Artists Slide Library is presently applying for funds to continue to develop the library , run a fuller service for its members and users and to continue with this work for the next year .
6 Typical questions relating to this need would be : has the education authority enough funds to continue to provide a place for all school-age pupils ?
7 Opposition parties continue to accuse the ruling PS of suppression of dissent , in particular by restricting access to the media and by an unfair electoral law .
8 Second-hand cars continue to top the list of consumer complaints followed by clothing and fabrics , then home maintenance and repairs .
9 The budget allowed for a lower proportion to be spent on debt-servicing ( 97,000 million francs CFA or $292 million , as compared with 170,000 million francs CFA or $512 million in 1988-89 ) , with the Defence , Public Health and Education Ministries continuing to receive the largest share .
10 The Independent Overseas Branches continue to support the Association both locally and in the UK .
11 That said , the new guidelines continue to promote the Institute 's well-established requirements for supervision , monitoring and counselling throughout the integrated training period .
12 This is the more necessary , the Commission believes , at a time when the bias in schools has shifted towards instrumental music and composition , although a fair number of state secondary and senior independent schools continue to maintain a strong tradition of choral singing .
13 Recent studies ( see page 29ff ) show that many schools continue to follow an approach to learning which is impeccably orthodox .
14 Long-time coffee drinkers continue to get the benefits and the effect is more marked among older people , said the Health and Lifestyle Survey published in the journal Psychopharmacology .
15 There are stronger words for bureaucratic waste , yet many organizations continue to tolerate the accumulation of managerial excretions , creating unseen dung-heaps in corridors of metal .
16 In a field in the middle of the countryside , ambulances and fire engines , with droning sirens and flashing blue lights , watched helplessly as the demons continued to attack the half-destroyed plane .
17 1990 , ch. 4 ) and partisan influences continued to influence the development of economic perceptions during the campaign itself .
18 Again , nothing was done , though heartrending stories of shipwrecks and even of cannibalism on crippled vessels continued to assail the public .
19 Ontario Homes continued to make a useful contribution to profits although elsewhere the combination of thin trading and year-end provisions against land values created operating losses .
20 During the next sixteen years minor earthquakes continued to shake the area spasmodically .
21 Students and opposition parties continued to demand a national conference on Cameroon 's political future .
22 The Muslim nationalist parties continued to demand the abolition of the 1920 frontiers , to agitate against French rule and against the pre-independence governments , while the Maronites looked to French civilisation for their inspiration .
23 Meanwhile , Emanuel School and the other grammar schools continued to dominate the peaks of the academic market .
24 The Night Goblins continued to harass the Dwarf column all the way to the Citadel , but thanks to their heavy armour and natural toughness there were few more casualties .
25 HEAVY fighting broke out in at least three districts of Panama City yesterday , as General Noriega and his supporters continued to defy the bogged-down 24,000 US invasion force with bitter resistance .
26 Perot informed the Los Angeles Times on Sept. 15 , that if the two main candidates continued to ignore the importance of reducing the federal deficit , then he would be forced to re-enter the campaign in order to return the issue of fiscal propriety to the forefront of the electoral agenda .
27 He warned parents to continue to keep a close eye on their children until the rapist is caught .
28 These areas continue to constitute the best option for lower-paid workers , not just because of the relatively low cost of the housing but also because they provide access to a large pool of appropriate jobs both in the central area and in the suburbs thanks to the essentially radial pattern of public transport facilities .
29 Nevertheless the debtor countries continue to have a problem because the flow of private finance fell considerably between 1982 and 1984 after the emergence of the debt problem , and this fall in private flows of capital has not recovered .
30 One is whether Communists continue to see the president as their leader , or start to feel he has abandoned them .
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