Example sentences of "[noun pl] fall back [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The finish of radiotherapy caused values to fall back towards baseline after four weeks .
2 We had centuries of contacts to fall back on .
3 The transition back to work is easier , however , if individuals have worked previously and have skills to fall back on .
4 I thus set about preparing for the days ahead as , I imagine , a general might prepare for a battle : I devised with utmost care a special staff plan anticipating all sorts of eventualities ; I analysed where our weakest points lay and set about making contingency plans to fall back upon in the event of these points giving way ; I even gave the staff a military-style ‘ pep-talk ’ , impressing upon them that , for all their having to work at an exhausting rate , they could feel great pride in discharging their duties over the days that lay ahead .
5 When Kit , informed by his scout that the enemy was present , gave the first order to fire , the soft promise of the light burst into flame ; the vanguard of the islanders fell back from the English muskets .
6 With no volume gains and falling prices , like-for-like sales in shoes fell back by 1.5 per cent in the six months to 31 July .
7 The ASB is conducting research at the moment into whether a permanent diminution could be measured , a solution Mr Garner says he could ‘ live with' , but if that can not be successfully implemented , he hopes that TI 's method will be the one companies fall back on .
8 Appeal courts emphasise that the discretion is vested in the court of first instance and are reluctant to interfere ; first instance judges fall back on issues such as that of the burden of proof .
9 Persian forces crossed the river Araxes in mid-July 1826 and forced Russia 's frontier troops to fall back on the Georgian capital of Tiflis ( Tbilisi ) .
10 They had no subsistence plots to fall back on , some tried reviving traditional handicrafts but these could not compete with the manufactured goods that had been made available by the market system .
11 Tuthanach slingshot whizzed and whirred , and two of the horsemen fell back over the mounts ' haunches .
12 Newmark ( 1966 ) claims that this causes the learners to fall back on first language rules , i.e. they use the syntax of the first to speak the second .
13 Beveridge was aware that , with few private resources to fall back on , most people would become poor unless basic national insurance benefits were paid at above the level that society deemed to be the minimum income level .
14 Instead of confronting their problems , producers fell back into a sorry-for-themselves analysis .
15 Inevitably , superior officers fall back on the ‘ arrest rate ’ .
16 He suddenly became aware of a volley of shots from behind him , and all three bodies fell back like tin ducks on a rifle range .
17 If the attraction was dominated by sexuality then when this flame diminishes , as it so often does , the partners fall back into their own boundaries and wonder where the magic has gone .
18 It was a hard-fought battle on both sides , but eventually the Orcs began to gain the upper hand , and the knights fell back before them .
19 A recurrent criticism of historical approaches in physical geography up to the 1950s was that they had insufficient knowledge of environmental processes to fall back upon which could enhance the understanding of landscape .
20 Toshiba and Hitachi have the cushion of their heavy electrical divisions to fall back on — indeed Hitachi was largely dragged down by its mainframe business and it must be wondering how much longer that game will be worth the candle .
21 Toshiba and Hitachi have the cushion of their heavy electrical divisions to fall back on — indeed Hitachi was largely dragged down by its mainframe business and it must be wondering how much longer that game will be worth the candle .
22 The Liberals fell back from 93 to 36 seats , whilst the Progressive Conservative Party ( PCP ) , which held power at federal level , won 20 seats .
23 If oil prices fell back to those prevalent before the Gulf crisis , the report reckoned that the current account surplus would be wiped out .
24 Getting both producers and consumers to agree to any new set of quotas is likely to take months , perhaps years , of haggling — one reason why coffee prices fell back within hours after jumping 15% on the news of Brazil 's ban on new exports .
25 The point appeared to be taken on board by UK energy minister Tim Eggar who acknowledged that there were other areas competing for shares of hard-pressed oil company budgets as the world oil prices fell back in real terms to pre-1974 levels .
26 Mr Jenks marched along the corridor , glaring wrathfully about him , and the children fell back on both sides without a murmur .
27 She moved the drier and continued working on his hair , one part of her mind marvelling at how perfectly the golden locks fell back into place .
28 When the polarisation is unavailable as well ( as on overcast days , for example ) , bees fall back on yet a third system , based on landmarks , and there is no reason to suppose we have exhausted the set of fail-safe plans built into bees .
29 Basically , yeah , if I want to , I 've always got a couple of boys to fall back on .
30 There were at least the photographs to fall back on .
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