Example sentences of "[noun pl] believe that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Benedictines believed that prayer should be brevis , pura and frequens — brief , pure and frequent .
2 When the course began in 1976 its tutors believed that content was more important than process .
3 Third parties believed that Unkiar-Skelessi marked a further stage in Russia 's southward advance .
4 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
5 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
6 Those who support the cultural deprivation theory tend to believe that education can play a large part in remedying social inequality , while Marxists believe that education is an essential part of the process of reproducing inequality .
7 But since Marxists believe that capitalism as a social system is doomed , it follows that capitalism can not he rationally planned for ever .
8 Most good judges believed that Fender 's true metier was as a legspinner ; but his low boredom threshold meant that sometimes variety became an end in itself .
9 However , in the FDP ( which was itself troubled by a financial scandal in 1981 ) certain elements believed that government spending must now be cut and taxes lowered .
10 Noting that despite the evidence of academic and government reports , which had pointed to widespread discrimination against young blacks , very little had been done to remedy the position , Scarman concluded that : ( a ) many young blacks believed that violence was an effective means of protest against their conditions ; and ( b ) far from the riots being a meaningless event , they were ‘ essentially an outburst of anger and resentment by young black people against the police ’ ( Scarman , 1981 , paras .
11 Thus , in Wiseman v. Borneman the Inland Revenue Commissioners believed that part of the Finance Act concerning share transactions was applicable to the case before them ; the taxpayer objected and entered a statutory declaration setting out his reasons .
12 These philosophers and reformers believed that promotion of happiness could safely be entrusted to men and women themselves , without divine intervention , since they were innately good ; but some had misgivings about how to hold onto Christian charity .
13 In particular , Edwardian reformers believed that labour conditions for adolescents were influential on their social behaviour in both the short and the long run , or , put another way , and taking into account the wider implications of ‘ personality ’ , that labour conditions influenced the form of their social being .
14 However , rather than seeing this as an excuse for living as they pleased , the Calvinists believed that success in work and in trade was a sign that they were one of the elect rather than one of the damned .
15 In contrast , the tax cut enthusiasts believe that income tax is a major distortion and labour supply is very elastic .
16 Conservatives believe that tax cuts will lead to greater incentives and initiative , thereby creating an enterprise culture in which the benefits of growth will ultimately spread to everyone .
17 The accounting policy note on associated undertakings goes on to state that the directors believe that equity accounting for associated undertakings would not give a true and fair view of the group 's income .
18 Most observers believed that south Korea would eventually be unified by north Korea with the support or at the instigation of the Soviet Union .
19 Christians believe that faith in Jesus is of paramount importance — the centurion 's servant ( Luke 7:1–10 ) .
20 Certainly Christians believe that compassion and love are qualities that Jesus possessed .
21 Republicans believe that intelligence passed on by the RUC special branch insider led to the arrest of several of their members recently on serious criminal charges .
22 The empiricists believe that language should be learnable by experience , without any prior knowledge .
23 If Roman Catholics believe that abortion is always wrong and contrary to God 's law , there is no compromise they can be offered , or which they can accept , which will satisfy their principles .
24 The relative lack of entry barriers and large number of firms appear to lead firms to believe that growth maximisation is a feasible objective , although the barriers to growth outlined above mean that , in practice , the objective is difficult to attain .
25 Geologists believe that oil and coal are composed of organic molecules because they themselves are derived from living things .
26 i As the new voluntary agreement on tobacco advertising is about to be published , a survey by the market research group Mintel has revealed that 61% of Britons believe that tobacco advertising should not be allowed .
27 Japan and Norway are both continuing research into wave power , and renewable energy campaigners believe that wave power could still be a major UK power contribution if research was encouraged and subsidised by the Government .
28 The investment curve will shift to I 2 and investment will increase quite markedly to Q 2 If , on the other hand , firms believe that inflation will now rise , which in turn will later force the authorities to pursue a tighter monetary policy , their confidence may well decrease .
29 Most firms believe that consistency is the best policy and stick to a reputable source of data and tried and tested formulae .
30 Some senior party figures believe that theme itself represents a strategic political withdrawal to ground that can be more easily defended in the face of Labour 's onslaught .
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