Example sentences of "[noun pl] pay for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You were saying that th the , the trainers pay for all these horse walks and maintain them ?
2 Produced by Armanino Foods of Distinction , they suffered from the reluctance of cash-strapped shoppers to pay for premium brands last year .
3 From March 24 the Enterprise Initiative Consultancy Scheme ( EICS ) will only be available at a cut-price rate , because the Department of Trade and Industry are re-directing funds to pay for alternative business packages .
4 The highest earning dealers only take back OTC stock if their client needs the funds to pay for another stock ; or if it is a stock that the directors want back , so allowing the dealers to retrieve in their names , and thus to evade a cut in their own commissions .
5 ‘ I was not prepared to use my own savings to pay for that , ’ John said .
6 The sick were provided with food and medicine , neighbours were paid to nurse them and in some cases the overseers paid for medical care by contract with a local practitioner , or patients might be sent to hospital .
7 Bank error blocks pay for 10,000
8 Despite the persistence of huge environmental problems , Western donors and lending institutions are financing only projects that give a good return on investment and are expecting Eastern European countries to pay for much of the clean-up themselves .
9 The proposed jobs tax would be a contribution by all companies to pay for centralised training funds .
10 But as there would be a saving of £1,000,000 for the values of rents paid for existing offices , the total cost of the scheme would be £1,500,000 .
11 You depict rare occurrences — like Westerners paying for foster children to visit their affluent country — as a major problem .
12 Ask for our ‘ Special Offer ’ of six days pay for seven days stay .
13 Guests pay for functional but comfortable three-bedded room with TV , hot and cold water and a separate shower and loo .
14 The Fire Brigade Union has requested one and a half weeks pay for each year of service , plus the annual bounty payment .
15 It should be stressed that not all organisations pay for such ‘ look-see ’ trips and a number rely on providing a thorough briefing in the home country .
16 He has accepted 21 of the 28 recommendations made by the committee , but turned down demands for baggage hold examination and the introduction of a levy on fares to pay for better security .
17 The plan contained no hint of tax revenues to pay for all this and made only passing reference to budgetary requirements and credit policy .
18 Scottish Enterprise , the successor to the Scottish Development Agency which was the driving force behind the plan to bring in leisure and commerce to the Waterfront , has given the council seven days to pay for extensive infrastructure works or face court proceedings .
19 In order to qualify for the basic pension , men and women must either be full contributors or be credited with contributions for all of their working lives subject to a minimum of full contributions paid for twenty years .
20 The occupier of the premises , far from being put under any obligation to allow the owner of the goods to enter and retake them , is entitled to distrain them damage feasant until the owner of the goods pays for such damage as they have done .
21 In Stuart 's view , one way of perhaps increasing value for money is encouraging our customers to pay for certain areas of research .
22 I wonder how much money we taxpayers paid for these completely useless pieces of information .
23 Some employers pay for this .
24 Previously , under the Poor Law Act of 1834 , a clause empowered boards of guardians to use local rates to pay for deaf ( and blind ) children 's education in asylums .
25 Apart from those deemed to be in genuine need , the budget required patients to pay for all or part of the cost of their medical treatment .
26 We estimated that the consequences of motherhood lowered the pay of employed mothers relative to their childless contemporaries through factors such as lost employment experience , downward occupational mobility and the low rates paid for part-time work .
27 For example , the proposed EC limits on car exhaust emissions will require more expensive car engines or catalytic converters , so internalizing the cost of air pollution by making motorists pay for preventive action .
28 On nationalisation around a quarter of households in Britain still lacked a supply of electricity , most of them in urban slums ( which had been uneconomic to connect either because of their short expected life or the inability of the occupants or unwillingness of their landlords to pay for internal wiring ) .
29 The agreement became possible when Spain lifted its veto after agreement had been reached on setting up a fund to help the Community 's poorer members to pay for environmental protection measures .
30 Thus the aim of a two-part tariff is to use fixed charges to pay for fixed costs and then to levy marginal charges to cover marginal costs .
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