Example sentences of "[noun pl] who saw him " in BNC.

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1 Len 's mop of unruly fair hair always made him stand out in a crowded goalmouth but , even over 30 years later , he continues to stand out in the memories of Palace fans who saw him play for our club .
2 He frightened train crews who saw him walking aimlessly on the railway tracks as if he were a real person .
3 His departure was initially greeted with euphoria by sacked workers who saw him as the major stumbling block to a negotiated settlement of the bitter dispute , Britain 's worst industrial confrontation since the 1980s .
4 Detective Constable Keetly was one of several officers who saw him searching the banks of the river near the spot where the car disappeared .
5 It is thought he might have hitched a lift and motorists who saw him have been asked to come forward .
6 Encouraged by friends who saw him as a Nonconformist Lord Hugh Cecil ( later Baron Quickswood , q.v . ) ,
7 It became clear to me at Blackpool that there was considerable support for Alec , partly because he made a good speech on foreign policy , partly because he took the chair at my meeting in his capacity as President of the National Union , and partly because of lobbying by back-benchers who saw him as the best compromise candidate .
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