Example sentences of "[noun pl] have a right " in BNC.

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1 The , the point of the change in our constitution was actually to er move strictly away from all parish organizations having a right to representative here , and just a small number have elected .
2 There is a recognised case for the utilities to have a right of compulsory acquiring the use of land .
3 Whatever date one ascribes to the letter , Remigius conceived of Childeric 's power in terms of Roman provincial rule , and he also thought that the clergy had a right to advise , even though the ruler might be barbarian and pagan .
4 Yet his subjects had a right of resistance , of rebellion against him , if he failed to rule them justly and to give them due protection .
5 Other principles accepted by the declaration were : i ) that the polluter should pay for the cost of the clean-up ; ii ) that environmental damage should be guarded against even if there were no apparent scientific reasons for doing so — the " precautionary principle " ; iii ) that women have " a vital role in environmental management and development " ; and iv ) that , while nations have a right to exploit their own resources , they must not damage the environments of other states .
6 Drinkers have a right to know whether the beer they are drinking is a genuine barley malt product or whether it is stuffed full of such tasty ingredients as corn syrup , propylene glycol alginate , amyloglucosidase , papain enzymes and potassium metabisulphite .
7 Should parents have a right to determine how schools were run ?
8 ( N.C. , 1979 ) where it was said that persons charged with serious disciplinary offences had a right to call any evidence which was likely to assist in establishing vital facts in issue , that the chairman had a discretion to refuse to call witnesses to prevent the accused calling so many witnesses as to make the system unworkable but that fairness demanded that there be a right to cross-examine witnesses .
9 So decisions as to venue for trial constitute another important set of pre-trial decisions for which responsibility rests largely with magistrates ( though defendants have a right to elect for trial in the Crown Court , even if the magistrates would be prepared to accept jurisdiction ) .
10 Moreover , at the heart of the ‘ parents ' charter ’ is the appeals system , to which parents have a right ( under section 7 of the Act ) to refer their claim .
11 Parents have a right to appeal to the Secretary of State when the LEA has decided , following the assessment , that it is not required to determine the special educational provision that should be made .
12 and interested parents have a right to know what this initiative actually means .
13 More generally the evidence of the study of middle-class kinship by Firth , Hubert and Forge indicates that most people acknowledge that parents have a right to make demands upon their adult children , and that most children will do their best to meet those demands ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 , pp. 406–7 ) .
14 I certainly assure the right hon. Gentleman that there is no sense in which the Government want positively to discriminate in favour of one type of schooling over others , because parents have a right to choose .
15 erm not only that , but erm whereas in the past it 's tended to be at the prerogative of the education people , as it were , the teachers and the heads and the educational psychologists , to make the initial moves in categorization or making a statement , now the parents have a right to ask for an assessment , so perhaps in your case to your question it would have been yes , you could have in fact have erm initiated the moves .
16 Manual workers made up a large proportion of the TUC membership , and the health of many of these was depicted as having been destroyed by their employment ; and , moreover , it was held that all workers had a right to a period of leisure in later life supported by-a full subsistence pension .
17 David Beskine of the RA said ‘ This is not private land but open moorland over which the public has for many years had a right to roam .
18 The equal opportunities/human rights lobby believes that people with special needs have a right to participate fully at all levels of education on a par with their peers who do not have special needs .
19 This is not to diminish the importance or significance of these factors ; workers have a right to proper working conditions and appropriate management behaviour .
20 We can not ask him , because he is not here , but it is an important question , to which his constituents have a right to know his answer .
21 Participants have a right to accessible feedback
22 In addition , the recent judgment of the European Court of Justice in ‘ Francovich ’ has established that individuals have a right to claim damages from member states who fail to properly implement Community law .
23 Individuals have a right to some independence , and areas of choice in their style of living whatever the degree of their eventual infirmity .
24 He states that ‘ the argument that all individuals have a right to privacy ( that is to say , freedom from observation , investigation and subsequent publication based on the investigation ) is strong but should be qualified when applied to the police ’ .
25 Individuals have a right of access to personal information about themselves held by local authority social services departments .
26 When we say that individuals have a right to be protected against assault , we do not mean that this protection must be achieved through some particular scheme we already have in mind .
27 It was the first appeal court ruling that relatives had a right to claim compensation over damage to a foetus which later caused the child 's death .
28 As well as this , private investors have a right of action in certain circumstances .
29 Suppose farmers have a right in law to enjoin the railway company not to set fire to their fields : the result is that the company will fit spark-suppressing equipment to their trains , and there will be less damage to the farmers ' fields .
30 Suppose farmers have a right to stop the sparks .
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