Example sentences of "[noun pl] and set a " in BNC.

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1 These presentations are referred to as pseudoisochromatic or confusion plates and set a task in which the normal eye can discriminate figures composed of coloured dots , whilst the eye with abnormal colour vision can not do so .
2 Federation officials had been concerned that the scheme , part of the proposed £1 million Citywatch crime prevention campaign for the city , would cut across traditional police duties and set a precedent for a privatised police force .
3 The recent Indian Supreme Court judgement that the US Multlnational , Union Carbide , pay $470 million by way of compensation to the victims of the world 's largest industrial accident , elicited sharply polarized reactions and set a dangerous international precedent .
4 The Government now intends to draw up its own inventory of local needs and set a contribution to the local authority that will allow for the provision of those minimum needs in year one .
5 FIFTEEN steps to be implemented within a month of taking office in order to reverse the Conservative health reforms and set a new direction for the NHS were outlined by Labour yesterday .
6 To overcome this problem , after long-netting the main wood two of us would walk behind the rabbits and set a net along the small wood .
7 A sensible Genoese colony , however stiff-necked , might therefore meet over its ass-bones and set a date for surrender , you 'd hope .
8 During 1996 the European Council will determine whether a majority of member countries satisfy the convergence criteria and set a date for the union to become operational .
9 He won gold and silver at the gala , and is likely to be replaced as one of the region 's stars by John Purvis , 15 , of Hartlepool who won three silvers and three bronze , and blind Christopher Ross of Ormesby who , in the youngest age category , won four golds and set a national record of 24.31 seconds for the 25 metres freestyle .
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