Example sentences of "[noun pl] be exactly the " in BNC.

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1 Unfortunately , its anorexic attractions are exactly the kind of thing you 'd expect from people who only formed a band in the first place to get off the dole .
2 When two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a membrane the tendency is for movement through the membrane to occur so that eventually both solutions are exactly the same strength on both sides of the membrane .
3 In fact very few people 's legs are exactly the same length .
4 The great rat 's eyes were exactly the same .
5 The books were exactly the mixture as before , but the quantity of ingredients seemed to have doubled ( ‘ Dickens and Scott seem to breed year by year Kingsley and Thackeray always appear ’ to quote from ‘ Irrelevant Thoughts Which Intrude in the Night , soliloquy written by Nan Munn , one of the 15 ‘ sorters ’ ) .
6 The ingredients are exactly the same — the game is essentially a crooked manoeuvre to get or give strokes and/or discounts .
7 He dictated to her many of the hymns that are still in use by the First Church of Christ the Spiritualist — many of whose tunes are exactly the same — bar one or two notes — as the ones the real John Wesley cobbled together in the eighteenth century .
8 But although long-nets have a number of uses the nets are exactly the same for each purpose .
9 I did n't know ( still do n't ) if these insects were exactly the same as my original , " lost chords of Zarathustra " insects , or whether they were superficially " convergent " ( see next chapter ) , but it was good enough .
10 His talk of the Tories in Scotland winning back seats and increasing their votes and their majorities is exactly the kind of spin on the election result that Tory apologists are desperate should gain political currency .
11 When the other industry ( meals ) is untaxed and in competitive equilibrium , we showed in the last section that the marginal cost of producing films is exactly the value of the marginal utility sacrificed by not using the same resources to produce more meals .
12 But this could only occur if the number of selective secondary school places was exactly the same as the number of service class children .
13 It is essential that before you attempt to duck gybe you can carve gybe well , as the feet and body positions are exactly the same .
14 Children often claim similarity , and experience of comparison will enable them , like Tom , to explore whether things are exactly the same or not .
15 The difference between the price to consumers and the price for producers is exactly the amount of the tax on each unit of films sold .
16 Dr Mawhinney told MPs in a Commons written reply : ‘ This impressive contribution from GPs and their practice teams is exactly the sort of response we are looking for to take forward our plans to improve the nation 's health . ’
17 One employer remarked in 1902 that : In regard to girls from Board Schools , our experience in regard to their reading powers is exactly the reverse of that of the boys , most of them being able to read both print and manuscript with ease and accuracy . "
18 The revenue on the other hand contend that the ‘ expense incurred in or in connection with ’ the provision of education for the children of the taxpayers was exactly the same as the expense incurred in or in connection with the education of all other pupils at the school and accordingly the expense of educating any one child is a proportionate part of the cost of running the whole school .
19 There is less reason to baulk at the term referent , although a referent is , by definition , something outside language , and although we should prefer to speak of syntactic entities in order to keep in harmony with the assumptions we have been following throughout this text ; however the latter are the linguistic correlates of what are perceived as extra-linguistic referents , and the patterns of intensional relations are exactly the same whether there is an external referent or not .
20 Apart from not valuing benefits , the procedures are exactly the same as in cost-benefit analysis .
21 The terms of these subsections are exactly the same , mutatis mutandis , as the terms of subsections ( 3 ) to ( 7 ) of section 6 .
22 Hall and Honey ( 1989a ) report a further study ( experiment 3 ) in which the procedures were exactly the same as those used in their appetitive conditioning experiment except for the use of shock as the reinforcer and conditioned suppression as the measure of behaviour .
23 ‘ In Ribble Valley I realised that the Liberals ’ poll tax policies were exactly the same as the ones I 'd worked out , based on reason and logic , in my own back room , ’ he says .
24 These Selmer/Adams Fenders were exactly the same colour as the Watkins Rapiers which Derek also sprayed .
25 Results showed that the distributions of labelled cells and the labelling indices were exactly the same in FAP and SCRC cases .
26 In a world in which no two assets are exactly the same , no opportunity offered by an asset owner can be exactly duplicated .
27 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
28 No two yellow flowers are exactly the same !
29 Stamford Raffles was exactly the sort of British imperialist Marx approved of : a product of the Enlightenment , a scientific positivist , humane social reformer , emancipator of slaves and suppressor of abuses .
30 The mean bond enthalpy of an element or compound which exists as diatomic molecules is exactly the same as its bond dissociation enthalpy .
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