Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] off the " in BNC.

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1 Frenzied attempts to work off the festive flab can lead to muscle and tendon injuries as people try to do too much too quickly .
2 IF ONLY one side had a clear lead , what parties there would be : parties to welcome home John Major , parties to see off the blasted yoke of Tory rule , parties for the sake of parties .
3 It might help in advance to give certain additional information to each of the three groups independently of the others ( see above section on small group work ) : perhaps the Pied Piper is prepared to let the children free if s/he can get a good deal ; perhaps the mayor is unwilling to use any public funds to buy off the Piper .
4 She sat in a chair with a shawl over her shoulders to keep off the draughts .
5 Sometimes we made shelters with leaves and branches to keep off the rain .
6 But they counted as necessary a pair of iron-pointed walking sticks , a clasp-knife , stout hunting-whips to beat off the legions of dogs they were prepared to encounter , and a policeman 's small lantern , since they had been warned that Turkish paper lanterns were useless in a hurricane .
7 It was only after the collapse of peace in Europe that radicals could begin to envisage ‘ such a weakening of all the Great Powers of Europe as shall enable the more backward nations to throw off the yoke fastened on them by the Cabinets and financiers of ‘ civilised ’ States . ’
8 THE GOVERNMENT faces controversy over plans to sell off the spectrum of radio frequencies .
9 He gained a lot of brownie points , for example , when the company announced its record interim losses of £45.1m and then revealed plans to sell off the majority of is leisure division .
10 Fun , magic , music and mime will give you a breather before digging out your dancing shoes to round off the evening with a turn on the nightclub floor !
11 In an adjoining field a sower , a basket cradled in his hands , scattered the life-bearing seeds , whilst behind him two young boys danced and cavorted , swinging their slings to drive off the marauding crows and ravens .
12 When driving at speed , the engineers noted that headwinds and crosswinds caused the blades to lift off the windscreen .
13 He said : ‘ Your business was in desperate financial straits so you bought cheap counterfeit tapes to stave off the evil day . ’
14 Allow twelve hours to sleep off the kill , and that left thirty to study the area and make certain there were no surprises .
15 I bought the sandwich and carefully peeled away the Cellophane , but just as I lifted it to my mouth the train lurched violently over a siding , making the bottles clatter in the drinks trolley and causing all the meatballs to jump off the bun , like sailors abandoning a burning ship .
16 Paul has just that transformation in mind when he tells the Ephesians to put off the old self , be made new in the attitudes of their minds , and then put on the new self , ‘ created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness ’ ( Eph. 4:20–4 ) .
17 He says they have a few pounds to trim off the engine but that will be achieved by Imola .
18 The prospects for world peace would be gauged by the support given to the democratically elected Popular Front government of Spain in its efforts to stave off the fascist threat .
19 There are no votes in plans to pension off the Queen , and the House of Windsor has achieved a stability which would have surprised some previous royal households .
20 They wore large cotton hats to keep off the sun , and gloves to protect their hands from the corn .
21 They are also working on ways to turn off the gas supply in men who produce too much of it and , as a result , suffer from priapism — painful and embarrassing erections in the absence of sexual desire .
22 It is seen at Harman 's Cross waiting for passengers to arrive off the train to take them on to Corfe Castle .
23 The president , knowing that this foretold more terrible violence , asked the chiefs to call off the protest , thereby depriving his army of a further excuse for slaughter .
24 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
25 The brains in rock wear their disdain on the top deck , a glimpse of the ivories to warn off the unwary and make it clear that they are outsiders .
26 ‘ What ? ’ cried the great dragon , his deep brass-gonged voice ringing out and causing several of the gems to tinkle off the jade pagoda .
27 The Midlands ' plants had been putting great pressure on the Merseysiders to call off the strike , as a result of which a mass meeting at Pier Head , Liverpool , had been demanded to vote on the question of a return to work .
28 It 's in their interests to put off the evil moment for as long as they can .
29 The ability of donors to turn off the tap is often cherished as a means of enforcing economic discipline , or more specifically the sets of policies now associated with structural adjustment .
30 Carol 's uses , using sponges to take off the gel .
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