Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] terms " in BNC.

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1 Christian orthodoxies , he was making dogged attempts to come to terms with his sado-masochistic tendencies .
2 Furthermore , he made real attempts to come to terms with the Emperor , and it seemed likely that the papal imperial conflict would now be resolved .
3 On the other hand , virtually all the demands which the Anglicans had been pressing for in their attempts to come to terms with James , such as those made by the bishops in their meeting with the King on 3 October , did .
4 We see this in the increasing influence of the new Ecology Movement , in the power of the Gaia theory , in the efforts of established religions to come to terms with their part in dealing with these issues ; and much more humbly , but much more universally , we see it in the increased attention that so many of us are now paying to the ways we celebrate the beauty and diversity of life on Earth .
5 The need to prepare schools and help to help schools prepare themselves for the erm review of the national curriculum the changes that they will have to deal with and in particular I think , erm to help secondary schools to come to terms with changes in key stage four and the likely erm opportunities there will be for a more diverse curriculum including eventually er the opportunities for more vocational programmes in schools and to assist schools
6 As I have remarked , Culler 's Structuralist Poetics encouraged some readers to think in terms of rapprochement between the New and the Newer Criticism .
7 The psychologist justified his own persuasive efforts with this belief that he was actually helping the parents to come to terms with a decision ‘ they really want to make ’ .
8 The therapist encouraged Pamela to make a list of ways in which she would like her parents to change in terms of providing her with greater freedom .
9 The decision rests on a balance between helping individuals to come to terms with what has happened in their lives at difficult times , risking the possibility of taking them back through stressful and disturbing memories , and leaving the past alone , risking the possibility that counsellees will never come to terms with what is disturbing them .
10 This book is about that conflict of values , the efforts made in the last few years to come to terms with that conflict , and its implication for one of the major issues of our time — the reshaping of our farm policy , which , with the single aim of increased food production , has transformed the countryside over the last forty years in what is perhaps the greatest agricultural revolution since the settling of England began .
11 It has taken me 30 years to come to terms with my own guilt , which I now know to be unjustified , and with my anger .
12 It took me years to come to terms with this .
13 Erm , the second point really was that erm as far as Highways is concerned and I mean we , as you 've explained earlier on , as Councillor explained , it 's gon na be very very tight I think , erm in years to come in terms of major highways and starts of major highways .
14 It helped fourth-century Christians to come to terms with the paradox that the privileged , wealthy , and powerful post-Constantinian church actually was also the church of the martyrs .
15 It is clear that the micro is here to stay and it is the responsibility of personnel managers to come to terms with the new technology and use it to their advantage .
16 Though Larry does not ultimately succeed in reintegrating himself into the world , his efforts to come to terms with the consequences of his experience in the death world of his hallucination indicate a potential mode of interpersonal relation that would provide the basis for a more ‘ sane ’ existence .
17 By applying theories of adaptation and stress and using counselling and listening skills , nurses can help patients to come to terms with their condition and treatment .
18 The student should therefore take pains to argue in terms of legal rules and concepts .
19 These difficulties , it is argued , although in part the result of the marginalization of the arts in British education at national level , are also caused by the failure of arts educators to come to terms with the reasonable expectations of those charged with administering INSET at local level and thereby exploit more effectively the support for the arts of those charged with administering education .
20 The reviews reflected this difficulty of critics to come to terms with Crawford in a production so different from his biggest successes .
21 It was originally designed by space scientists in America to help astronauts to come to terms with weightlessness .
22 Such a view helped trade union leaders to think in terms of coming to some type of arrangement with industrialists who were feeling the pinch of economic policy .
23 After consulting this same healer on several further occasions , Simone decided to join a small team of people specialising in past-life therapy , and now helps others to come to terms with traumas in the past which are blocking present progress or happiness .
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