Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] [prep] account " in BNC.

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1 The guidance note aims to provide advice on the advantages and limitations of GRP vessels , indicate some of the potential problems that might be encountered , outline some of the considerations to take into account and advise on precautions .
2 There are many considerations to take into account .
3 There are other considerations to take into account when transferring three- and four-colour patterns to the console and we shall be starting to take a look at these next time .
4 Following the date Tate & Lyle 's accounts were signed , the ASB issued in mid-December last year an amendment to SSAP 15 that allows preparers to take into account , at the time that provisions for pensions and other post-retirement benefits are set up , the tax relief that will be received when the benefits are actually paid .
5 The answer to my hon. Friend 's question is that of course those are relevant considerations for valuers to take into account .
6 For any effective right of tax-diversion would require legislation to set up a Peace Tax Fund ; to prescribe the uses to which tax resources diverted into the fund might be put ; and to authorise the Inland Revenue Commissioners to take into account a person 's conscientious beliefs in determining which account that person 's taxes should be paid into .
7 Insofar as English law requires the directors to take into account the interests of groups other than the shareholders it adopts the position that these interests do not fundamentally conflict with those of the shareholders and that it is therefore possible to arrive at a decision that balances all the relevant interests , subsuming them under or subordinating them to the vaguely defined collective goal of the organization .
8 It also adopted a declaration " on the equitable participation of the Lithuanian republic in the community of world states " , which called on " all states , their parliaments and governments to take into account the results of the poll … and render assistance to Lithuania " .
9 There needs to be accountability injected into the government structures to take into account and actively implement local opinion .
10 Failure of the court in making its assessment of damages to take into account all the information available at the time of the trial could lead to illogical and unjust results .
11 One of the important things to take into account when designing single bed Fair Isle patterns is the length of the floats .
12 It required all federal agencies to take into account the environmental impact of all their proposed actions by preparing environmental impact statements which had to be approved before the construction of ‘ major ’ projects .
13 Even though there were some special local problems to take into account , to a large extent the regime at Feltham , where teenagers spent most of their time locked up in their cells , was victim to the malaise endemic to the prison system as a whole .
14 This is such a complex matter , with so many variations to take into account , that it is in your own interest to act slowly .
15 In common with all insurance companies , Legal & General has from time to time to adjust its premium terms to take into account the changing nature and frequency of household insurance claims .
16 The strike by finance staff is over a demand for a regrading of pay levels to take into account work involved with the council tax .
17 For example , they have reanalysed studies of mother-child bonding and maternal deprivation ; have criticized conclusions drawn from them about good mother-child relations ; and have extended investigations of these relations to take into account , not just maternal exclusivity and sensitivity , but children 's relationships with other adults and children , and the physical , psychological and social quality of care .
18 There are four points to take into account here .
19 Although the failure of the courts to take into account Sri Lankan ideas about status may have led some people to experience injustice , it scarcely explains the extensive perjury and high level of litigation .
20 It str strengthens the responsibility of Authorities to take into account racial and cultural needs when making plans for children .
21 So we had thirty-nine public meetings to take into account what ordinary men and women wanted . "
22 We will encourage shared combined heat and power schemes , and encourage those planning new houses to take into account the scope for passive solar heating .
23 There are others to take into account , namely those co-operators who come from the teaching body , from LEAs ' advisers and from HMI .
24 There are other factors to take into account .
25 Factors to take into account include : the role of policy networks and professionals , the independent basis of local politics , the intentions of government .
26 There may be many factors to take into account , but usually the overriding consideration is monetary .
27 The fact that the company never had and was never entitled to have some of the documents and that certain of them could only be obtained by litigation with the appellants , in so far as they were relevant to issues in that litigation , are factors to take into account in the balancing exercise to be set against the purposes of the administration set out in section 8 of the Act of 1986 .
28 These are relevant factors to take into account .
29 What are the most important factors to take into account when assessing the behaviour of groups in an industrial or commercial setting ?
30 Here , there are three factors to take into account : the seriousness of the type of breach in question , the cause of that breach , and the extent of the exclusion of liability .
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