Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] themselves for " in BNC.

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1 These are practical sessions where students and tutors prepare themselves for work with children in the second half of the term .
2 ‘ It is vital that companies prepare themselves for the new Europe and this initiative will help firms in the south .
3 ‘ The more it develops , the more possibilities suggest themselves for further development .
4 A number of explanations suggest themselves for this strange impulse towards self-effacement in men who loved power , besides the official one that it served to maintain the standing of the native authorities in the eyes of the people .
5 There is also frequent movement as groups of children rearrange themselves for some fresh topic or activity .
6 The children amuse themselves for much of the time , with the local swimming pool proving a favourite treat .
7 Young demobbed men are restless for a fight ; women sell themselves for a cigarette .
8 Meanwhile residents brace themselves for another concert in two weeks time .
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