Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] themselves [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Frogs and birds pamper themselves with plumes of pampas grass
2 Chauffeurs peel themselves off the walls , put down their fifth or sixth freebie rock'n'roll drink , and take us all in convoy to a club somewhere in Kansas City .
3 Forest Goblins decorate themselves with colourful feathers , often sticking the quills directly into their skin as Goblins feel little pain .
4 But 30 young drivers put themselves through it to try and win the title best young motorist .
5 Waves organize themselves into trains so that , as one of their number expires , a memory of its strength is bequeathed to its successors , consolidating their length ( the distance between crests ) and speed and height .
6 Animals lend themselves to humorous interpretations .
7 Animals lend themselves to humorous interpretations .
8 Patios lend themselves in particular to herb cultivation because they are so often sited next to the house and facing the sun .
9 Once it was recognized that animals orient themselves in a variety of ways , the engineering approach was extremely successful in identifying the underlying mechanisms .
10 Coming from Russia , where freedom of the press has been not so much unknown as uncomprehended since long before the Revolution , he is shocked to discover that a free press disseminated all kinds of false , partial and invented information and that journalists contradict themselves from one day to the next without shame and without apology .
11 This is exactly what I have attempted in this book , beginning in chapter four with my version of why so many black kids commit themselves to sport , then moving , in chapters five and six , to the experiences in family life and at school and how these affect the ties to sport .
12 And unless all nations commit themselves to the elimination of ozone-depleting chemicals , the agreement is compromised .
13 The fortunate survivors find themselves with a wealth of food and very little competition in which to grow to their maximum potential .
14 And how many schools avail themselves of this opportunity each year ?
15 Some animals protect themselves against being eaten by containing poisonous or sickening substances .
16 In the wild , even modern breeds of hens form themselves into small social groups comprising one cockerel and perhaps four or five hens .
17 This is necessarily caused by the fact that the intrinsic differences between the services provided in different organizations reflect themselves in the respective budgets .
18 And so they depart — on board ship — ( The two SPIES position themselves on either side of the PLAYER , and the three of them sway gently in unison , the motion of a boat ; and then the PLAYER detaches himself. ) — and they arrive — ( One SPY shades his eyes at the horizon. ) — and disembark — and present themselves before the English king- ( He wheels round . )
19 These are practical sessions where students and tutors prepare themselves for work with children in the second half of the term .
20 Although these four authors address themselves to rather different problems , and do not appear to agree on a number of issues , their combined views on the importance of soil erosion are more or less consistent , and quite clear — its importance is exaggerated , agricultural technology initiated by both officials and farmers can respond satisfactorily , and the resources at disposal are massive and are constantly being created by technology itself .
21 If this passage does have central and significant relevance to contemporary working relationships , we must begin by clarifying in what ways the issues touched upon by Paul 's words address themselves to current situations and concerns .
22 Their leaves , stems and branches orientate themselves to the light , while their roots seek out minerals and water .
23 Whether pupils ' behaviour is itself a political statement or not , the aggressive forms impress themselves onto educational politics .
24 Apart from the formal accomplishments of law , accountancy and financial management , these skills restrict themselves to formalized consumer analysis , market survey technique , matrixes and learning curves .
25 Once again peacemakers put themselves between Saddam Hussein and the leaders of the alliance ranged against him .
26 According to the Prague School ‘ poetic ’ texts distinguish themselves from others through the violation of a norm .
27 He prefers the charcoal drawing to the full garish canvas , and this is why , I think , the songs work so well , because , as we listen , individual responses suggest themselves to a line , or a turn of phrase , which by inference , creates a greater sense of empathy and involvement for the listener .
28 Popay and Jones ( 1990 ) , analysing General Household Survey data , found that lone parents report themselves to be in poorer health more than parents in couples ; and that more lone mothers report poorer health than lone fathers ( see also Hilary Graham 's chapter here ) .
29 Viruses attach themselves to EXE files , so if anything untoward happens and a file tries to illegally write itself onto drive C , ViruSTOP will give a warning message .
30 ‘ The clouds beneath our feet spread themselves to the water , and the clouds of the sky almost joined them . ’
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