Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb base] at present " in BNC.

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1 From 1997 onwards , as matters stand at present , we would have to pay probably well over ten times that cost in order to receive the equivalent digitised output .
2 As things stand at present , the Labour Party uses three spurious reasons to justify its unprincipled boycott of Northern Ireland :
3 ‘ As things stand at present , it would be very difficult for a Bishop opposed to the new legislation to continue in office when that legislation comes into effect , ’ he said .
4 As things stand at present it seems more appropriate to talk about ‘ brains ’ than about ‘ the brain' .
5 If graduated tests are to have a large measurement component then it seems that , as things stand at present , a significant number of girls will be disadvantaged .
6 Mr Lang stated : ‘ I 'm not going to start answering specific questions about specific aspects of how one of the individual solutions we may chose will apply until we have reached a conclusion about the right way forward then we can address this issue and debate it fully , but as things stand at present I see no reason to have to change that law . ’
7 The proposal has a parallel in a new clause tabled in Committee by the Hon. Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) proposing that bus interests should come under the Scottish Transport Users Consultative Committee , as rail and ferry interests do at present .
8 Although no plans exist at present for 125mph train speeds , a more general extension of 110mph services is likely to start in 1990 .
9 The existence string should be used to provide a brief reason why the module names are being reserved and to give an indication of what the modules contain at present or are meant to contain in the future .
10 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
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