Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb pp] about in " in BNC.

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1 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
2 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
3 Apart perhaps from the revision of the Holy Week liturgy , the changes brought about in the Church 's worship under Pius XII now seem relatively modest .
4 Before we proceed to the changes brought about in this system by the Yorkist and Tudor sovereigns , certain general observations must be made about medieval administration .
5 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
6 Appleton et al have indicated that the mucosal proliferative changes brought about in experimental carcinogenesis by small bowel resection or calcium supplementation , or both , are closely linked to tumour yield .
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