Example sentences of "[noun pl] [vb past] left the " in BNC.

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1 Peter Heatherston , the Raith captain , quipped that the player-manager 's brace of goals had left the squad dreading the week ahead in training .
2 So , a victory for Oxford United ; it came after a few of the supporters had left the ground , it came in injury time — Oxford United one , Portsmouth nil , reporting on the match , a very happy Nick Harris .
3 Well I there there was a a classic example of this during the refurbishments when the contractors had left the building unsecured over
4 All of Brundle 's simple rules and runes had left the complacent head which believed it knew it all anyway .
5 The Union for the Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) confirmed on March 6 that two of its most senior officials had left the organization .
6 ‘ How pale you are , Nancy ! ’ said Fagin , once Monks had left the house .
7 The young males had left the nest and taken wing ; within a couple of generations almost no-one would even remember these Westcountry origins — such is the way of things .
8 The shapechangers had left the planet only a few days before , having prepared the castle for their return .
9 Thus it is common ground in the present case that if a manufacturer negligently makes and markets defective goods , for instance a car with defective brakes , or a soothing syrup for babies which is negligently contaminated with corrosive acid , and the defective goods are put on the market and sold to a member of the public , and the predictable accident follows and a young baby is injured , for instance if the baby is a passenger in the car when the brakes fail and the car crashes , or is given the syrup , it is no defence to an action for damages , by or on behalf of the baby , for the manufacturer to prove that the baby was only born after the defective goods had left the manufacturer 's premises or even had passed to the member of the public by purchase from the retailer .
10 I also asked Grand Met what percentage of its tenants had left the trade completely since the beer orders were introduced less than two years ago .
11 On March 9 , the Speaker of the National Assembly declared vacant 11 parliamentary seats whose holders had left the ruling Kenya African National Union ( KANU ) .
12 The Moslem National Council of Sandzak ( an area spanning southern Serbia and north-east Montenegro , home to some 200,000 Moslems ) sent a letter to the Geneva conference , as reported on Sept. 8 , saying that 70,000 Moslems had left the region because of military " terror " .
13 An Irishman had denied belonging to an illegal terrorist organisation ; one of the Sergeants had left the room and come back with a photocopy of a warrant for his arrest issued by the RUC in Dundalk .
14 In fact , so immersed in one another had they been that when they had looked up it was to find that all the other diners had left the restaurant .
15 Sarah and her friends had left the party at their local rugby club in Keynsham , Avon , when a speeding Ford Fiesta suddenly appeared out of the fog on the A4 .
16 The Stamford Bridge faithful turned on the keeper and jeered him until after the players had left the pitch .
17 How his ancestors had left the meat that Queen Victoria had sent over to them to fight in the streets rather than accept help from the English .
18 Twenty-five thousand men had left the industry in the past two years .
19 They had found a witness who confirmed that one of their prime suspects had left the party at the right time to murder Nicola .
20 Not all of the new-age travellers had left the site near Oxford station by the three o'clock dead-line imposed by police following yesterday 's raid .
21 It leaves gaps , as if certain musicians had left the orchestra .
22 Here and there the way opened into glades , in one of which the woodmen had left the trunk of a once mighty beech .
23 One of his two ploughmen had left the district and Seb found himself performing a lot of the work himself .
24 All evacuees had left the village and outlying countryside , except Willie and Zach , Robert and Christine King up at Hillbrook Farm , and the four Browne children at the Vicarage .
25 On the evening of 26 August , a short while after the women marathon runners had left the Neckar Stadium , twenty-seven sprinters prepared for the opening round of the 100 metres .
26 He pretended to be engrossed in making notes until the actors had left the room .
27 Yet before the leaves had left the trees , I returned to Al Ain .
28 Once the little ones had left the room , I shifted my position on the floor and sat cross-legged , trying to cover the soles of my feet with my skirt .
29 William waited until the two women had left the room then he turned to his son .
30 One of the 2,700 delegates said 80 per cent of his factory colleagues had left the SED.in recent weeks .
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