Example sentences of "[noun pl] [coord] leave [art] " in BNC.

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1 By this time , however , the military crisis was over , and Henry abruptly demanded that Anselm should either comply with his wishes or leave the country .
2 They nest at higher densities and leave no room for non-breeding birds , which are displaced and forced to ‘ irrupt ’ to unfamiliar ground .
3 The big pitfall is the prospect of a currency loss if sterling declines still further , which can wipe out the benefit of interest rate savings and leave the borrower owing more debt than he borrowed in the first place .
4 We dare not shrug our shoulders and leave a great chasm into which cynical politicians might leap , and take us all to perdition with them . ’
5 Moreover , the effect of avian frugivores on insect frugivores may be to force the latter to eat unripe fruits or leave the host , lest they be eaten by omnivorous birds .
6 The civilian staff put out the empty milk bottles and leave the camp , another day 's work done , and the regimental police staff in the guardroom check to see that all the recruits have booked in and that all the visitors have been booked out .
7 Ultimately it should be possible to cease activities within the office on Poll Tax matters and leave the Sheriff Officers to collect monies due , although this may well be several years off .
8 We have even seen lecturers complete their lectures and leave the room while the students have had to sit for another few minutes taking down the last load from the blackboard !
9 Wilson fears for education generally , that the market pressures could bring in an entrepreneurial ethos which could change the nature of institutions and leave the morality of the market-place unchallenged .
10 Then they can go back to asking each other where they got their blow-drys and leave the rest of us in peace . ’
11 Then , remove the string without disturbing the cocktail sticks and leave the cake to dry for 24 hours .
12 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
13 I would urge DTC to reconsider their plans and leave the 11.17 service alone , perhaps every half hour would suit .
14 Unlike their fellow Soviet citizens , Jews can now apply for passports and leave the Soviet Union with relative ease .
15 LABOUR 'S new arms policy was condemned by Tom King yesterday as ‘ an appalling shambles ’ which would cripple Britain 's conventional forces , scrub nuclear weapons and leave the country well and truly defenceless .
16 No I shall have to find room for some of the pots and leave the glasses in .
17 The effect is to enable the purchaser to recover its loss under a breach against any one or more of the vendors and leave the vendor paying the claim to seek compensation from his fellow vendors .
18 Employers should never advise employees to sell their properties and leave no stake in the UK housing market .
19 On the other hand , the group of verbs which occur with predicate qualifiers will be expected to exhibit some degree of compatibility with the noun phrase element of the structure which they govern , although this does not imply that they have to make exactly the same sort of sense when they occur with that phrase alone as they do when the adjective is present , for the very reason that the adjective provides the syntactic-semantic condition under which the relation between the verb and its object holds ; compare leave the items and leave the items date-stamped .
20 ‘ Regulations ’ are directly applicable within each member state without more ado ; ‘ directives ’ require member states to attain specified ends but leave the means of attainment to the individual member state .
21 They fail entirely to distribute largesse to the locals and leave the door open again on their loud departures .
22 I suggested he should replace the door with a new one , re-paint the windows and leave the price as it was .
23 When you go out in the evening do you always draw the curtains and leave a light on ?
24 We treat just a couple , place some in the exercises and leave the rest for the reader to prove for himself or look up in , for example , [ 24 ] .
25 I usually lift and clamp the best swedes and leave the smaller and damaged roots to be grazed in situ by sheep .
26 But it remains true that the cabinet , its members and senior officials concern themselves with broader issues and leave the trivia to underlings .
27 No time to stampede the horses and leave the riders unfurnished , and no sense in it , either , for there were other horsemen coming fast and in numbers , and they could not hope to stand off all of them .
28 Give me a moment or two to change my clothes and leave a note for Jules , then we 'll go out on the town . ’
29 And yet there you stand , gloating , without even the self-command necessary to remove your outer clothes and leave the shopping basket behind before rushing in here . ’
30 With all these elements in mind the best thing that a designer can do is tell you to cast off the stitches and leave the method to you .
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