Example sentences of "[noun pl] [v-ing] across the " in BNC.

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1 Sort of Oh we used to risk our necks walking across the ruddy this mill was a bit of a wreck actually and we used to go playing in places where we should n't have really .
2 The secret is the human voice — at once intimate and personal to you — much more magic in a way than the announcer on TV backed by his hi-tech coloured images flashing across the screen or pictures of the events being described — all of which may actually lessen the feeling of personal involvement .
3 The in-car shot showed catering leftovers splattering across the windscreen .
4 To actually see crabs scuttling across the floor and live sponges and even real live fish was astonishing .
5 She lay in her bed , her eyes moving across the ceiling where the snow piled outside her window reflected vague purple-grey patterns into the room .
6 As the sun rose higher in the sky , the mist began to clear and , suddenly , John saw the Dragoons coming across the muir from the east and heading straight towards them .
7 It was just dawn in Shepherd 's Bush , and he could make out without the flame of a candle the narrow , tightly packed words crabbing across the paper .
8 This reach has factories which smell of cellulose paint and sawdust with fans venting across the towpath and long plastic drainpipes projecting through walls and attempting to shoot their contents beyond the towpath .
9 And Lulach and Bishop Malduin , sitting side by side , might have belonged to different worlds : the Bishop grave and faintly uneasy , his eyes flickering across the table to the men of York and Durham and Bamburgh whom he must know so well .
10 In the distance the girls could see their parents returning across the field .
11 Going down the cinder path to the screen in the dark , with our one feeble torch , was always horrendous because of the rats scuttling across the path .
12 Suddenly , I heard feet running across the stage .
13 There was the sound of many feet running across the deck .
14 Then I heard the slap-slap-slap of rubber-soled feet coming across the yard and did what any ice-cool undercover dude would do ; I went into freeze-frame , rabbit-in-headlight shock .
15 Then he , too , heard it : the sound of footsteps slithering across the loose shale of the track .
16 The faulty pump helps to shunt half the barricade — a 20ft high pile of doors , railings and household furniture — along tramways stretching across the stage .
17 By the close , even the sight of a man in yellow trousers surfing across the battered crowd can barely raise a flicker of surprise .
18 She heard her mother 's slippers crunching across the sugar-strewn floor .
19 The Turkish government announced on Aug. 19 that it was to recall the troops operating across the border .
20 ‘ Anyway , after about six months I had saved several thousand dollars and decided to spend a few weeks drifting across the country to the West Coast .
21 The second compartment is arranged with facing rows of seats running across the coach .
22 The narrow bands running across the middle are from foreground gas in the disk .
23 At first they giggled and ran calling to each other through the long grasses , timothy and cocksfoot , clover swaying unsteadily under the weight of bumblebees , clumsy like clowns blundering across the meadow .
24 Also , by watching the angle of other boards sailing across the line upwind you can judge the biased end .
25 It was difficult to keep the flickering candles alight , even , because of the draughts sweeping across the floors , lifting the rugs up as if there was an animal under them .
26 The depressing view of the unsightly pylons marching across the valley floor , heavy traffic thundering along the Woodhead Pass road , five reservoirs and a disused railway line , is soon left behind as you negotiate the tussocky grass slops below Long Gutter Edge towards the entrance to Wildboar Clough .
27 The clock chimed in the hall ; as it stopped , Jean heard the faint sound of the bells drifting across the Old Town .
28 Mungo reached up and took it down , sending more marbles cannoning across the floor as he moved a foot .
29 With two drama/percussionists and a saxophonist — composer Steve Blake — the Victims of Death band creates a relentless musical background that sends the dancers rushing across the stage in the opening section of Precious , an endless succession of attract/repel contacts , with walks , runs and jumps , not dance steps per se , but crafted seamlessly into a totally interactive structure .
30 She practically threw the overflowing ashtray and empty vodka bottle into the tiny kitchenette , the cigarette butts flying across the worksurface and into the sink .
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