Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] reference to " in BNC.

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1 However , the court will readily imply the grant of such easements as may be necessary to give effect to the common intention of the parties with reference to the manner and purposes for which the demised property is to be used .
2 15.1 The Publisher shall publish the Work in the name of the Susan Parks , Gerard Bates , Mary Lee Wholey and Anna Thibeault as authors with reference to Concordia University , Center for Continuing Education , Montreal , Canada as the sponsor and in the event of the Work being revised by other persons in the future the Publisher shall be free to publish the Work in joint names or as it may consider appropriate in the circumstances without , however , omitting the name of the Proprietor .
3 One such development was ‘ spatial frequency analysis ’ , which is a complex mathematical way of representing visual images without reference to features .
4 ‘ This may or may not be the case and I am in no position to establish this , since as you are aware you and Helen have exercised total control both financially and in all other respects without reference to myself or any other director . ’
5 The result is that , however unsatisfactory it may be , the court in any particular case is constrained to assess damages for non-pecuniary losses by reference to previous awards in comparable cases or , at least , by reference to the general level of awards where there are no cases which are really comparable .
6 Its broad aims were to analyse large American companies in order to discover differences in return on investment ( ROI ) , to establish par values for ROI for different industries and their segments , and to attempt to explain variations in ROI across companies and their subsidiary business units by reference to strategic factors .
7 This practice is convenient both for the purposes of managing the property ( since most managing agents , or their computers , send out rent demands by reference to quarter days ) and for the purpose of calculating the rent ( since broken periods can often be avoided ) .
8 Friedman , writing about the work done by a group of doctors in Family Planning Clinics with women who had been unable to consummate their marriage , typified certain syndromes by reference to myths .
9 A 50 per cent sample of teachers was drawn from these schools by reference to their staff lists , selecting alternate names , the total in the sample , including the pilot schools , being 408 .
10 Since demonstrative pronouns typically involve a gesture , it seems easy to assimilate such acts of reference to general theories of action ; if one can then show that other kinds of referring expression are related to demonstratives , the case for viewing reference in general as a species of action is made plausible .
11 In this chapter we have been concerned with interpreting patterns of variation in speech communities with reference to the norms that can be shown to exist at varying levels of abstraction and generality .
12 I can give you a couple examples of the more tangible advantages with reference to schemes which are administered by the erm Science and Engineering Research Council .
13 Because these skills would not be particular to one subject area — . but rather should be seen as an integral part of the whole schooling process — the project should have a cross-curricular base , be taught within subject areas in reference to specific contexts rather than as a separate theoretical concept related to general study .
14 However , there is authority from cases decided before the 1977 Act that the approach to such clauses is first to construe the contract to define the parties ' obligations without reference to the disputed clause , and then take account of the clause in order to decide what its effect is on those obligations ( see Karsales ( Harrow ) Ltd v Wallis [ 1956 ] 1 WLR 936 ) .
15 If additions and deletions are more numerous than retrievals and updates , it turns out that the larger the proportion of additions , the larger the bucket size that provides the minimum number of accesses per reference to the file .
16 A test is devised , known as the Bilingual Syntax Measure ( see Burt , Dulay , and Hernandez 1973 ) , which will require an appropriate number of subjects to provide certain linguistic responses by reference to pictures .
17 To help control this , all except the very smallest of businesses are required to submit on a calendar quarterly basis the aggregate value of sales to individual customers in other EC countries by reference to their foreign VAT registration number .
18 A second approach would be to attempt to rank the offences by reference to the degree of harm caused and the degree of fault in the person causing it .
19 It can be argued that these offences may be no less traumatic for the victim than ‘ conventional ’ rape , and therefore that any attempt to classify sexual offences by reference to their seriousness should place these forms of sexual assault in the highest category .
20 Thus , a cell resulting from the fusion of cells R and M is referred to as cell R + M. The advantage of this relatively simple system of nomenclature is evident in the so-called discal cell , a term used in at least four separate orders of insects with reference to a different cell in each case .
21 However , the kind of enquiry which Breen conducts here , the interpretation and evaluation of ideas in reference to pedagogic issues , is a very good example of the process of appraisal that I am proposing .
22 But this is sometimes taken to mean the formation of groups of teachers to generate their own ideas without reference to theory and research of a more rigorous and academic character .
23 They can treat minor complaints/injuries without reference to a doctor .
24 Massive chunks of history are missing and it is really not possible to understand the Abstract Expressionists without reference to how they incorporated or reacted against those earlier tendencies .
25 He also commented : ‘ It must be wondered why so many different guides have been produced , with so much duplication of effort , particularly when the overall impression is that they were prepared within libraries without reference to the needs of readers and without consultation or collaboration with the subject teachers . ’
26 The author of what I later discovered to be a scholarly , if tendentious , account of us foreign policy since Korea , he expressed a fastidious regret for the instruments America had to work through but justified the excesses of the client governments by reference to the worse alternative of Marxist dictatorship .
27 Since our last meeting June Bascombe , Hilda Lodge , Joan Daniels and Janet Rogers had appeared before a Sports Council ‘ panel ’ and answered many questions with reference to our development plan .
28 Some are curiosities : on 8 March 1872 R. Lieberich , of St Thomas 's Hospital , lectured on Turner 's paintings with reference to certain faults of vision .
29 The Stock Exchange has undergone considerable change in the last decade , and this chapter attempts to analyse those changes with reference to the role of the Stock Exchange and overall efficiency .
30 The purpose of the following sections is to explore the difficulties with reference to a number of rather awkward speaker variables , beginning with social class .
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