Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] respect to " in BNC.

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1 Assets are imperfect substitutes because they possess different characteristics with respect to liquidity , marketability and profitability .
2 The patients ' characteristics with respect to symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux and treatment are listed in Table II .
3 But OP in the diagram represents the phasor output potential difference taken between terminals P and O. Consequently , through altering the resistance R , the output may be varied in phase by π radians with respect to the input while maintaining its amplitude constant .
4 Smith , Gregg and Andrews ( 1989 ) devised the following ranking of selection methods with respect to their predictive validity : graphology and astrology were at the same level as chance prediction , references and interviews were a little higher , then structured interviews , then biodata , personality tests and assessment centres for performance , then ability tests and work sample tests and finally , at the highest level , assessment centres for promotion .
5 Cook ( 1988 ) has collapsed the results of a number of meta-analytic studies to determine the usefulness of 10 selection methods with respect to validity , cost , practicality , generality and legality .
6 It was argued that having accepted these rights , member States could not subsequently claim to be third parties with respect to any obligations of such a treaty .
8 Of course it is difficult to generalise over time and between parties with respect to the relations between party and Prime Minister , but in the recent past it has become clear that the Labour Party outside Parliament has been concerned to exert a greater measure of effective control over Labour Prime Ministers .
9 The ICJ statement of April 14 cited Resolution 748 ( which had been approved after the Libyan submission had first been made to the ICJ ) and said that obligations of the various parties with respect to that resolution " prevail over their obligations under any other international agreement " .
10 As such , this subsection is an illustration of the general rule that the intention of the parties with respect to a contract must be gleaned in the light of the surrounding circumstances .
11 Not only is a citation order necessary for individual numbers , but a filing order for arranging numbers for different subjects with respect to one another must be determined .
12 The use of both risk and accident scales may be calibrated by the subjects with respect to the range of stimuli they encounter .
13 These findings were used to see whether appropriate timing of octreotide injections with respect to meal ingestion might avert impaired gall bladder contraction .
14 This study suggests that CSOI ( 50.8% contraction ) or adequate timing of injections with respect to meals might , at least partially , preserve gall bladder contraction and thereby might reduce the risk of gall stone formation .
15 Prospective studies should show whether appropriate timing of octreotide injections with respect to meal ingestion , or alternative treatment schedules , like CSOI , might lessen the risk of gall stone formation during long term octreotide treatment .
16 Quantitative analysis revealed statistically significant differences between working-class and middle-class speakers with respect to both range and index scores ; as we shall see , the general sociolinguistic pattern reflected in tables 6.2 and 6.3 is repeated in other vowel variables .
17 However , as Reuter pointed out , it is possible to derive rights and to be bound to perform certain obligations without becoming a party to the treaty , an example being the United Nations with respect to its Charter .
18 That actions are interpretations of movements and speeches with respect to what we take to be the intention of the actor in making them .
19 Thus , part of the story must be that the name/noun contrast puts the two individuals in different roles with respect to situation , with the asymmetry resulting from the thematic subject component .
20 Now there is nothing to prevent plural continuation here ( e.g. They had been working hard for hours ) , but the incidence of such continuations was less than 5% , and continuations mostly were confined to singular references with individuals being in relatively stereotypical roles with respect to each other .
21 What , for example , will be the exact financial status of opted-out schools with respect to the LEA ?
22 The measures of family background and ability can then be used to control the different intakes to schools and thus to estimate differences in the effectiveness of schools with respect to the outcome measures listed above .
23 Any steps with respect to the performance of the Peace Treaty taken by the United States under its letter to Egypt and Israel would be binding upon them both , while any action that fell only within the terms of the Memorandum could be objected to by Egypt as a third party .
24 Thirdly , the committees were allowed to take steps ‘ either by themselves or in cooperation with any other bodies or persons , to give information , advice , and assistance to boys and girls and their parents with respect to the choice of employment and other matters bearing thereon . ’
25 No differences were detected between case and control parents with respect to their own health or the numbers of diagnostic radiographs they reported before their child was conceived , or habits such as swimming in local rivers or canals , or in the children 's histories of being breast fed , their preschool activities , allergies , or viral infections .
26 In recent years , however , there has been a reversal in the relative fortunes of rural and urban areas with respect to a broad range of manufacturing activities .
27 planation surfaces should be considered in the general framework of plate tectonics , sea floor spreading , and the resulting change of continental areas with respect to the position of climatic zones .
28 The objective of the research is the development of a series of detailed case studies , each containing a thorough examination of the above-mentioned areas with respect to a sample of industrial companies .
29 Specifically , it is evident that the main differences between the communities with respect to the process of raising may be located in the T and DS environments .
30 The estimated elasticities with respect to benefits of this reservation wage , hazard rate and expected duration are 0.12 , -0.75 and 0.22 , respectively in the first three months of the spell .
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