Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the french " in BNC.

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1 Among the English there were two opinions about the French girls .
2 By the time negotiations finally got under way at Fontainebleau , elections for the new Constituent Assembly in France had resulted in a victory for the Catholic MRP , with the Communists in second place , and heavy losses for the French Socialist party .
3 In the coalfields he read as avidly as ever , including in his reading books about the French revolution by Michelet and others .
4 It was the collective madness which gripped the Scots after the French defender Eric Dimeco was dismissed which proved their downfall .
6 Lapasset , the newly installed President of the FFR , made this bizarre move in an attempt to muffle the sensitive ears of the French side from the dulcit strains of ‘ Sing Low , Sweet Chariot ’ during their Championship showdown with England .
7 After 1934 , against a background of economic recession and political polarisation , the social grievances of the French working class became clearly visible and could no longer be conveniently swept under the carpet .
8 He has recently been offered the use of Georges Simenon 's old room in the offices of the French CID and he has won several awards for his books on the other side of the Channel .
9 Other attacks included : ( i ) an explosion at the offices of the French Banque Nationale de Paris in Athens on March 10 , 1989 , which a group calling itself Revolutionary Solidarity claimed was in support of the French urban guerrilla organization Action Directe ; ( ii ) a bomb attack on April 10 on a judge 's apartment in Athens for which the May 1 Revolutionary Organization claimed responsibility and threatened to attack any judge supporting the extradition to the USA of Muhammad Rashid [ see p. 36667 ] ; ( iii ) a bomb attack on the Justice Ministry on June 1 and on three government offices in Athens and Piraeus on June 13 for which the Revolutionary Popular Struggle ( ELA ) claimed responsibility ; ( iv ) car-bomb attacks on three US vehicles near Athens on Oct. 22 in which four Greeks were slightly injured and for which ELA claimed responsibility ; ( v ) a car-bomb attack on March 19 , 1990 , which injured a former senior British Petroleum executive ; and ( vi ) attacks on 12 cars belonging to East European and Arab diplomats on March 27 , for which an organization called Social Resistance claimed responsibility on behalf of the " vested rights of Third-World countries " .
10 Not only were the garotters thought to be visiting hot-blooded Neapolitan outrage upon English soil , but on other occasions they were said to be ‘ like the sanguinary fanatics of the French Revolution ’ as well as resembling the ‘ Indian ‘ thuggee' ’ ’ .
11 As a result of this conscious decision the Court of the Second Empire was conceived of as a public spectacle which would not only shine in the eyes of the French people but would also become the envy of other peoples less fortunate than they .
12 Addressing the National Assembly on May 22 Cresson said that she intended to consolidate the strengths of the French economy , which she defined as " a strong franc , inflation under control [ and ] rigorous control of public spending " .
13 Marines backed by units of the French Foreign Legion took control of much of Mogadishu during Dec. 9 , seizing weapons , although their operations were encumbered by curious crowds and reporters .
14 The relative prominence of the telecommunications , television and European primus inter pares aspects of the French space programme have had another important consequence .
15 The mental atmosphere of Joseph 's reforms — idealism , effort and self-sacrifice combined with dogmatism , intolerance and a humourless lack of any sense of proportion — is very reminiscent of many aspects of the French Revolution .
16 As we shall soon see , both realism and moral message are aspects of the French fabliaux that are much discussed .
17 Are there any aspects of the French administration you think are , that are better than the British approach ?
18 In his memoirs he admitted that he had secretly aspired to it for decades , but had not pressed the issue for tactical reasons ( because it would have made him vulnerable to the charge of Bonapartism and perhaps also , as Debré argued in his memoirs , because popular election of the president in the circumstances of 1958 would have placed a majority of votes in the hands of the peoples of the French Community ) .
19 Divergent political objectives notwithstanding , the obvious goodwill between Ho and the Americans , the limited but successful training teams that they provided for Vietminh guerrillas , and the obvious sympathy which many Americans — in particular , it seems the OSS — had for the cause of Vietnamese independence , not to mention corresponding doubts of the French title to Vietnam , all of these understandably encouraged the Vietminh in their political objective of the accomplished fact .
20 Given those records , is it any wonder that the winners of the French Open are so difficult to forecast .
21 Nizan 's narrative is both an indictment of the illusions of the French petty bourgeoisie in a phase of rapid capitalist industrial expansion , and an attempt to understand precisely who his father was , an attempt to explain the reasons underlying the failure of his father 's life .
22 For as the war spread , so the fiscal demands of the French crown to meet it could be extended with justification .
23 In keeping with the demands of the French consumer , quality is high and there are plenty of delightful touches which indicate the consideration which has gone into the design .
24 Although progress in passing European single market laws was painfully slow during the first months of the French presidency , Paris hands over to Dublin this month amid a last-minute rush of important agreements .
25 They came to office unsullied by royal service or political intrigue , and with the political principles and ideas of the schools fresh in their minds , but Stratford had won office by his service to the crown ; he was one of those who managed the early wool loans and spent the opening months of the French war recruiting allies and spies on the continent ; he may have resisted and condemned the malpractices of tax collectors , but he did not protest against royal taxation , burdensome as it was , before these crisis years .
26 He eventually capitalized on his knowledge of Europe by publishing in 1796 both a set of five maps of the Rhine , Meuse , and Scheldt and a survey entitled A Developement of the Views and Designs of the French Nation , which sought to warn the English of certain French activities .
27 The size of the programme , together with its standardisation , led the authorities , beginning in 1975 , to reorganise the various sectors of the French nuclear power industry , as the construction in series of large components ( vessels , steam generators , primary pumps , turbines , and alternators ) calls for very large industrial investments .
28 The usual deep Stollen had been dug , and sappers had run several mineshafts beneath the French defences .
29 The OECS also agreed to investigate closer economic ties with the French overseas departments of Martinique and Guadeloupe .
30 Two fur traders from the French settlement of New France on the banks of the St. Lawrence had been trying to convince their employers that the best way to develop the trade was to set up bases on Hudson Bay to which the Indians could come in their canoes down all the rivers that flowed into the Bay .
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