Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the uk " in BNC.

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1 Discussions between the UK and Vietnam were expected to begin in July .
2 The final dividend also includes an element of compensation to shareholders for the UK government 's decision to reduce tax credits from 25% to 20% , announced at the 1993 Budget .
3 The most startling result is that , in all but one of the five cases for the UK , energy demand actually falls between 1980 and 2000 .
4 The memorandum also instituted twice-yearly meetings between the UK and Chinese Foreign Secretaries on " matters of mutual concern " , and set up a link between the governor of Hong Kong and the director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office under China 's State Council .
5 ( Despite changes of definition from Table 3.2 to 3.3 , values for the UK in 1961 are closely comparable in both tables . )
6 With only one domestic index futures contract for the London Stock Exchange ( the FT-SE 100 ) , the creation of synthetic index futures contracts for the UK is not yet possible .
7 New products for the UK market include the integrated accounting software package , Sterling +2 , which runs under MS-DOS and Windows and was launched in September 1992 ( CI No 2,015 ) — according to Goldman , it is ‘ selling like hot cakes ’ ; a new version of the high-end , high margin Sovereign offering for the mid-range market — although prices did not increase , total sales of the product rose 20% in real terms , which was important , Goldman said , as this market is much more valuable than Sterling 's ; and MoneyWise , which is targeted at the home and small business market and costs less than £50 .
8 The British Sub Aqua Club ( BSAC ) has just reported a record-breaking year , with the number of dives off the UK coast estimated at about two million — 100 per cent up on the previous year .
9 There were no significant correlations between Finnish stock returns and current or lagged stock returns for the UK , USA or the world .
10 The outline of the paper is as follows : Section 2 highlights some basic characteristics of the UK fertilizer industry ; Section 3 outlines a theoretical framework based on a model originally suggested by Dixit ( 1987 ) ; Section 4 derives expressions for the policies ; Section 5 calibrates the theoretical model with data from the UK fertilizer market ; Section 6 presents an assessment of the actual policy outcomes compared with those suggested by the theoretical framework ; and finally , Section 7 reports the results of sensitivity analysis .
11 Characteristics of the UK fertilizer industry
12 Characteristics of the UK labour market
13 For that period , estimates by Canadian scientists were between the upper and lower bounds of the UK scientist 's analysis .
14 Finally , at the end of the process lies the estimation of the population over some target set of areal units , in our case the kilometre squares of the UK National Grid .
15 Dismissive of the ‘ corridor opportunites ’ , he fails to mention that , so far , the Foreign Secretaries of the UK and Argentina have had their first meeting since the 1982 Falklands War , that the Israeli and Soviet Foreign Ministers have got together as has the US Secretary of State with his Israeli and Egyptian counterparts , or that the two German Foreign Ministers have held extensive talks on the current crisis — all with apparently good results : quite useful when several of these countries have no diplomatic relations with each other .
16 Two crewmen of the UK Royal Air Force were killed on Aug. 17 , 1989 , when their Tornado jet crashed into the North Sea near Humberside , just two miles from the spot where three others had been killed in a mid-air collision involving similar aircraft on Aug. 14 , bringing to 24 the number of Tornados lost in British airspace since 1983 .
17 A number of sub-regions of the UK , as we shall see , earn their living through providing tourist facilities or business services to other areas .
18 The objective of the study was to determine which aspects of the UK government 's implementation of the Less Favoured Areas Directive are responsible for the agriculture/nature conservation conflict and to recommend changes aimed at retaining a predominantly agricultural land use in the uplands without further loss and degradation of its unique nature conservation interest .
19 The decline in the total number of farms in the Cantal LFA , though similar proportionally to the decline in Powys , is almost certainly more due to French national policies for improving farm structures ( including remembrement ) than to aspects of the UK 's LFA , there is much less direct official encouragement to improve agricultural structures ; rather it is the result of the way the LFA Directive is implemented , in particular the HLCA payment system .
20 It points to the impact that the findings of global environmental research are likely to have on most sectors of the UK economy .
21 Figure 2.2 Employment in the major sectors of the UK economy as a proportion of total employment , 1946–86 Source : Data from Ministry of Labour and Department of Employment
22 Feldstein and Flemming ( 1971 ) carried out a study of investment in all the major industrial sectors of the UK , using as their interest rate variable a weighted average of equity and debenture yields .
23 HSS Hire Shops has 170 branches throughout the UK , and there are plans for expansion in the coming year .
24 At the end of 1989 results became available for 10000 homes throughout the UK , and these are shown in Table 1 .
25 Used previously for promotional purposes , companies with several offices throughout the UK are taking the entertainment to their clients as a more effective means of reaching them .
26 It has been established for over 100 years , and has eight offices throughout the UK and a subsidiary in Guernsey .
27 Phased in from July to November last year , the EAP , named Axis , is provided by Personal Performance Consultants Limited with tailor-made training for all divisional managers covering Standard Life 's 6,200 employees in its offices throughout the UK and Ireland .
28 KPMG Peat Marwick itself operates from 57 offices throughout the UK .
29 COUNT AND ADD — This is the latest version of Lander 's popular maths primer which has been widely used in schools throughout the UK .
30 It is going to be sold in the 90 Fast Frame shops throughout the UK and will cost £15 .
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